FH Weekly Update: 5/9/2021


Principals' Message

Good afternoon Freedom Hill families,

We'd like to wish all of the mothers in our school community a very Happy Mother's Day! We are appreciative of everything our students' mothers have done this year to support student learning and our transition back to school. 

As announced at the School Board work session last week, FCPS is moving forward with planning for an all in-person, 5 days a week school year this fall. They also shared that there will be a very limited virtual option for students who have a medical need. FCPS sent out communication on Wednesday to current virtual families regarding the process required to apply for the virtual option for next year. This virtual program will be run centrally through FCPS and not through Freedom Hill. The deadline to share that you intend to apply for this option is today.  

We are looking forward to having a sense of normalcy next year and having hopefully everyone back together again. If you have any friends or neighbors that have left Freedom Hill this school year due to the pandemic, please let them know we would love to welcome them back next year.  

As a reminder, though the CDC has updated the guidance regarding mask wearing for vaccinated individuals, FCPS requires the use of masks both indoors and outdoors at all times. We ask that you please continue your use of face masks even when outside, including at arrival and dismissal.  If at any time you do not have a mask, one can be provided for you if you ask a staff member.  

Please see two additional deadlines below this week:

  1. Parent Input for 2021-22 Class Placement
  2. Yearbook Orders

Wishing you a great week ahead, 

Dr. Nicholas Zapadka, Principal

Eric Kopacz, Asst. Principal 

Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar

  • May 5 - 28 - SOL Testing (Grades 3-6)
  • May 10 - Family Class Placement Input due (see below)
  • May 12 - Curbside Library Checkout, 2-6PM
  • May 12 - 5th Grade Reading SOL
  • May 14 - 6th Grade Reading SOL
  • May 14 - Last Day to Order Yearbooks 
  • June 8 - Virtual instruction for all students (Election Day)

Yearbook Ordering Flyer

Click here for the yearbook ordering flyer. May 14 is the last day!

2021-22 Class Placement

If your child is returning to Freedom Hill next school year, we offer you the opportunity to share any comments you would like regarding class placements.  If you know that your family will not be joining us for the 2021-22 school year, please reach out to Ms. Sujo at ssujoromero@fcps.edu or 703-506-7800 to let us know.  

Our staff will be working on tentative class groupings this spring, with classroom assignments finalized in mid-August.  As we make these placements, we consider many factors including individual student information, teacher input, and social relationships.  Every class will have a blend of children with diverse needs, personalities, and learning interests.  Due to the many factors we must consider in creating classroom placements, including the reassignment of some teachers to a different grade level and the hiring of new teachers, requests for a specific teacher cannot be honored.

If you have information that you believe is pertinent to your child’s placement for next year, please complete this OPTIONAL form online by Monday, May 10th for it to be taken into consideration. There is no need to complete the form if you do not have any information you would like us to consider.  Thank you.

SOL Testing / Schedule

Federal and state education departments have decided not to cancel this year’s Standard of Learning (SOL) assessments. Freedom Hill will be conducting tests from May 5th to May 28th. This includes virtual students, who are required to come to the building for testing.

The following letter was emailed to families on Friday, April 16th in English, Spanish, and Arabic. It contains information regarding transportation, refusals, and virtual students coming into he building for testing on their assigned days.

Please email our school testing coordinators, Mr. Kopacz and Mr. Scesney, with any questions you may have.


Election Day - June 8

Due to Election Day, instruction for all students in Fairfax County Public Schools on Tuesday, June 8th will be virtual and synchronous (live) for EVERY student. Students will not attend school in-person on June 8th.

Kindergarten Registration!

We are excited to welcome our next class of Kindergarten students.  To prepare for the 2021-22 school year, we ask all parents of incoming Kindergartners to visit our registration page to register your child.  Encourage your friends and neighbors to register their incoming Kindergartners. Pass the word!  

Positivity Project: Humor




This week, we are focusing on Humor. You like to laugh and bring smiles to other people.

“A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles.”

                                         ~Mignon McLaughlin


Questions you might enjoy talking about:

  • How does humor affect relationships? How does it connect people?
  • How can you incorporate more humor into your everyday life?
  • Have you ever been in a situation where you just couldn’t stop laughing? What happened?

Family Resources

 Parent Technology Help Desk  833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS) 

Parent and Student Technology Support Portal 

Freedom Hill Digital Tools Webpage  

FCPS Parent Resource Center 

FCPS Return to School

Updates from the PTA


Thanks to all those who participated in Teacher Appreciation Week and Bike/Walk to school day! A big shout out to all our teachers, staff and team at FHES. Good luck to all our students on their SOLs this week!

Teacher Appreciation Week

It was such fun celebrating Freedom Hill teachers and staff last week! Thank you to everyone who donated money toward this effort. Each day our Teacher Appreciation Committee Co-Chairs, Angela Waugaman and Ina Soepangkat, brought special gifts, meals from Panera and Jason's Deli and treats for all FHES staff (see photos below). And, congratulations to our raffle winners who each received gift cards to local eateries: Jeff Wade, Kevin Curtis, Katie Damon, Katherine Trott, Taylor Butts, Desiree Coz, Katherine Cadena-Gonce. Special shout out to Angela and Ina for organizing everything!