Frost MS Student Tech Support

Frost MS Student Tech Support Tips & Tricks


Here are some tips and troubleshooting tricks for the most commonly requested technology challenges recently.

Windows License Expiring

For this to be resolved please go to any FCPS building and connect to their wifi. Wait a few moments (10-15 mins) once connected, restart your laptop, log back in and wait a few moments. Open one of your office applications.  Multiple reboots may be required. This should be resolved.

Wifi Issues

Try the following things:  Update the wireless driver in the Software Center.  Follow these directions (requires account) to update the wireless driver. If that doesn't work, go to any FCPS school and connect to their wifi. Wait a few moments (3-5 mins) once connected, restart your laptop, log back in and wait a few moments and try step 1 again.

Microphone and Camera Access

There are many reasons there could be issues with microphone and/or camera access in BBCU or Google Meet.  Don’t let the laptop battery get lower than 20% while participating in synchronous sessions.  Make sure the camera and microphone are enabled and allowed in the browser.  Check the F4 key. This key will mute the microphone no matter the other settings on the laptop. 

Use the "Set up your camera and microphone" option under Audio and Video Settings in BBCU.


For majority of issues visiting any FCPS location and connecting to the FCPS wifi, allowing 10-15 minutes of connection time, and rebooting a few times while on the wifi can be the most consistent resolution.  If this does not work or if it is a hardware issue, please schedule time to visit us at Frost using this link.

Don’t forget to check out the troubleshooting resources on the Frost Student Site (requries account).


Thank you for your continued teamwork as we navigate the school year.

We are #ONEFrost!