10/12/2020 - Positivity Project (Other People Matter)


"The greatest favor you can do to your sister, mother, friend, teacher, student is put your phone away."

- Sherry Turkle


"Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention."

- Jim Rohn

Other People Mindset: Being Present and Giving Others my Attention

This week we are focused on one part of the Other People Mindset: Being present and giving others my attention. This means that when you’re with other people you are present and give them your full attention. It’s important that we pick our heads up from our cell phones and truly listen to other people when they’re talking. A positive environment is built with positive relationships – and we can’t build positive relationships without attention. So, the answer is clear: we need to pay attention to people in our lives. That’s going to be good for individuals, small groups, and large societies.

Do More Together

Go on a walk or eat dinner with your family. No phones or screens allowed. 😊

Conversation Starter

How do you feel when someone is truly listening to you talk? How does it make you feel when someone is playing on their phone while you are talking to them?