What's New at Hunt Valley, August 21st, 2020

Hunt Valley Calendar

Aug. 27th - Class Placements - (will be emailed to families in afternoon)
Aug. 28th - Teacher Phone Calls to Parents 
Sept. 1st - Opening Event with Families- (see schedule below)
Sept. 8th - First Day of School
Sept. 9th - PTA Meeting.- 6:30pm 
Sept. 15th - Back to School Night 5pm-9pm (schedule to come out soon)


Frequently Asked Questions About Supporting Children's Return to School and Online Learning

On August 14, Fairfax County announced the new Supporting Return to School (SRS) program developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and this year’s virtual return to school. SRS will provide full-day programming to support children’s active and engaged learning during the FCPS virtual academic day and will provide opportunities for children to explore, engage, relax and enjoy activities based on the program curriculum, The Great Outdoors: Road Trips Through the Americas.


Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the program:

Who is offering the program?
The program is being offered by Fairfax County Government through the Office for Children, which provides educational care for students before and after school through the SACC program. OFC teachers will be staffing the SRS program.https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/office-for-children/

Where will the SRS program be located?
The SRS program will be offered at 37 Fairfax County Public Schools, including 35 elementary schools and the Key and Kilmer Centers. Enrollment will be limited in order to maintain physical distancing and health protocols.

What are the SRS program dates?
The SRS program begins Sept. 8, 2020. As FCPS updates to online and in-person instruction occur, the program’s status will be reevaluated.

What are the SRS program hours?
SRS will operate Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accommodate parents who are working outside the home or may need full-day services. All current CDC health and safety guidelines, including the use of face coverings, physical distancing protocols, and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices will be implemented.

How many children will be served at each location?
The program will be able to accommodate approximately 60 children per site. Each classroom will have a group of no more than 10 children who will stay together each day, along with consistent staff to support their online learning and in-person connections.

How will the program support my child’s virtual learning?
FCPS is working in partnership with SRS to provide professional development in virtual learning technologies for SRS staff. SRS staff will collaborate with families on an ongoing basis to align support for children’s virtual learning schedules and will provide a space conducive to supporting children’s learning during the academic day.

Will the program provide academic instruction?
SRS staff are employees of the Fairfax County Office for Children, not Fairfax County Public Schools. SRS staff will support children’s virtual learning but will not provide academic instruction. The program is not designed to replace or duplicate virtual learning, but to support it by ensuring students are able to access the FCPS academic day and have the technical support and engagement they need to succeed.

What health and safety protocols will be in place?
The safety of both staff and students in the SRS program is of utmost importance. The SRS program will follow current CDC health and safety guidelines, as well as guidance from the Fairfax County Health Department. Additionally, the following measures are in place:

  • Students will be in groups of 10 or fewer per classroom.
  • Students will stay together as a group the entire day with the same staff members.
  • Scheduled cleaning of high-touch areas will occur throughout the day.
  • No visitors will be admitted.
  • A daily check-in will include taking staff and students’ temperatures and asking a series of health questions before staff and students may enter the building.
  • Children and staff will be required to wear face coverings throughout the day.
  • Physical distancing of at least six feet will be supported.

Can I still enroll my child if the SRS program is not offered at my base school?
Yes, regardless of your base school, you may choose to attend the SRS site that is closest or most convenient for you.

Are there any requirements for program eligibility?
Yes, the SRS program serves children in Kindergarten through sixth grade. Families must reside in Fairfax County or the City of Fairfax.

Do families have to be working in order for their child to participate?
No, the SRS program does not have a work requirement for eligibility.

Is financial assistance available?
A sliding fee scale is available for income-eligible families. Additional financial assistance is also available. Families who may need additional financial assistance or transportation should communicate their request when enrolling so that registration staff can best provide assistance.

Why is enrollment limited?
The SRS program has limited enrollment in order to accommodate full-day programming, as well as physical distancing guidelines, and to support additional health and safety procedures. The program is designed to help families with the greatest need, who may not have access to other resources, and to mitigate opportunity gaps that may widen without in-person instruction.

How is this program different from SACC?
The SACC program is not currently being offered. SRS will be staffed by OFC teachers and provide a safe environment for students to learn. SRS is a full-day program supporting virtual learning during the academic day, with a before- and after-school care component. When children in the SRS program are not engaged in their virtual academic school day, they will have opportunities to explore activities based on the program’s curriculum, The Great Outdoors: Road Trips Through the Americas.

May I enroll on a daily, weekly, or as-needed basis?
No, the program is designed to provide consistent care and support for children’s virtual learning on a monthly basis only. Students must be enrolled for the full five-day-per-week program.

May I enroll my child for just the academic school day if we do not need the before-and after-care components?
No, the SRS program is a full-day program providing support for children during the academic day as well as before and after care. When children in the SRS program are not engaged in their virtual academic school day, they will have opportunities to explore activities based on the program’s curriculum, The Great Outdoors, Road Trips Through the Americas.

Will meals be provided?
Yes, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack will be provided in conjunction with FCPS Food and Nutrition Services.

Will transportation be available?
County and FCPS staff will work to ensure that transportation will not be a barrier to families’ participation in the SRS program. Families who need transportation should communicate their request when enrolling.

Will laptops and Internet access be provided?
Students must bring their personal or school-issued laptops. Wireless Internet access will be provided at all SRS sites.

Can my child who has special needs participate, and will he or she receive specialized instruction?
Yes, all SRS sites will accommodate children with special needs. Additionally, the Key and Kilmer Center sites will specifically serve children and youth ages 5-21 with multiple disabilities. SRS staff will collaborate with families on an ongoing basis to align support for children’s virtual learning schedules and will provide a space conducive to supporting children’s learning during the academic day.

How do I enroll?
Enrollment begins the week of August 24, 2020. For additional information and to register, call 703-449-8989 or visit   https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/office-for-children/  Translation services are available.

Registration Information

  • Information is available online:  https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/office-for-children/supporting-return-school-program
  • Space is limited. To register, call 703-449-8989.
  • Current CDC health and safety guidelines will be implemented.
  • Sliding fee scale available for income eligible families (see below).
  • Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack provided.

    What are the fees for the program?
    Supporting Return to School (SRS) Program SY 2020-2021:

Sliding Fee Scale Supporting Return to School (SRS) Program SY 2020-2021 The fees below are billed monthly

Adjusted Household Income

One Child

$131,000 and above


$117,900 - 130,999


$104,800 - 117,899


$91,700 - 104,799


$78,600 - 91,699


$65,500 - 78,599


$52,400 - 65,499


$52,399 and below


Reduced rates are applicable for families with two or more children enrolled. The discount for the second child is 10%; the third child and each additional child receive a 20% discount.
Additional financial assistance is also available. Families who may need additional financial assistance or transportation should communicate their request when enrolling so that registration staff can best provide assistance.


Excerpt from Chairman McKay’s Weekly Email Newsletter
Subject: SACC – Supporting Return to School
Date: August 12, 2020

To the Fairfax County Community,
If you are a parent, I understand the stresses relating to child care and virtual learning that you are probably experiencing. This stress is particularly difficult for those who must leave home for work. I'm a parent of two. I wasn't ready for the challenges of virtual learning either. However, it is time to prepare, to move forward, and to put ourselves in the best possible position for the upcoming school year.
The Board of Supervisors is committed to supporting FCPS in their decision to begin the year virtually. One way we are doing so is by launching a new program with a SACC component called Supporting Return to School. With this program we hope to partially fill the need for Fairfax County families regarding child care and providing a safe education environment for the kids who need it. More on this program follows the COVID-19 data update.

See below for the full August 12 edition of my newsletter. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website:

https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/chairman/covid-19 . If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here:


School Aged Child Care (SACC) - Supporting Return to School (SRS)
• Following the success of our Camp Fairfax program (see the above video for a Camp Fairfax hand washing song!), Fairfax County is offering a new program with a SACC component for families.
    The purpose is to support children's online learning and to engage kids in a curriculum that will support their growth and development.
 • The SRS program will be offered at 37 FCPS locations.
    Sites are primarily Title I funded schools or are FCPS food distribution  sites.
    Two locations will serve students ages 5-21 with special needs.
    Program operating hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-6pm.
    An adjusting sliding fee scale will be provided.
• Program details are still being finalized, registration will be available soon.
• I recently visited Camp Fairfax to see the safety measures put in place and know that as we move forward with SRS that we need to continue to put strict safety measures in place. Therefore, the program will have limited spots due to distancing protocols. We are also hoping it will help families with no other choice but to go to work and have no way to support their children who may be at risk of falling behind academically.
View the email newsletter online: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/chairman/8-12-update-covid-19-fairfax-county

Comments by Chairman McKay to WJLA ABC News 7 (08/13/20)
• "I've heard literally from hundreds of parents who, like me, support the school division's decision to do virtual learning, but also are very concerned about how they're going to juggle that with their own jobs when we get to September."
• "We've always considered this not to be just a school problem. This is a community problem that will take the schools and the county working together to solve."
• "What our Board of Supervisors has been clear on is that the county has an important role to play in narrowing the achievement gap and helping our working families to be able to go back to work without having to be concerned about not working, not being able to pay the bills because they have to take care of and help their kids get logged on and learn during the day."
• "This is not going to solve everyone's problems, this is not going to be the great equalizer, but I think it is going to be a tremendous help to families in need in Fairfax County.”
• "We're talking about a much smaller population of children, we're talking about being able to spread out in multiple rooms in school buildings. We're talking about protocols for checking temperatures and interviewing everyone before they come in the building."
• "It's really designed to help kids with the greatest needs. So we've begun outreach for at-risk youth, we're working with our schools. We have a database of children whose families receive free and reduced price lunches already, and we're reaching out to all of them to get an idea of whether they would be interested in enrolling in this program."
• "We know that our at-risk children have greater challenges with internet connectivity, and may not have the kind of support structure so what we're attempting to do in this program is not duplicate any of the online learning, but frankly have staff there to make sure kids are online and have the technical support that they need."

PDF Documents
Flyer: SRS – English (.pdf)
Download the flyer in English as a PDF document.

Flyer: SRS – Spanish (.pdf)
Download the flyer in Spanish as a PDF document.


It's hard to believe but its AUGUST!

We hope you and your family have been enjoying time together.

Please read below for our PTA survey, Spirit Wear update, a message from the PTA 2020-21 Board and a link to join the PTA

Hunt Valley ES has a wonderfully active and supportive PTA. If you would like more information about joining our PTA, please go to the Hunt Valley Website and click “Get Involved” underneath the Full Menu. Or, visit this link:

Virtual After School Programs

Given school is starting virtually this year, there will be no in-person after school programs taking place at Hunt Valley in the fall.  However, several of our trusted vendors are offering virtual after school programs!  If you are looking for some extra activities for your children this fall, please check out the PTA website to see offerings from Acting for Young People, C3 Cyber Club, JST Athletics, Mad Science, Robot Works, and RunFit Kidz: https://www.huntvalleypta.org/after-school-programs/.

Thank you, in advance, for your time. Spirit Wear - Order Now!  Show your Hunt Valley Spirit by ordering a HVES Mask!  Order by September 4th!  Visit http://shop.burkesports.com and enter group code HVHAWKS You may have your order shipped to home for a small extra fee. Non-shipped orders will be delivered to and distributed at the school in early October.  

 Order your mask today! 



Join the PTA!  Our membership is open (https://huntvalleypta.new.memberhub.store/store). Please consider joining.

PTA Survey 2020-21
The PTA is planning for the 2020-2021 school year and would love to have your input! Please consider taking the following survey to let us know your thoughts. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWqz75yQtKAxQ7HUjgjxrlDzry8qAzuDwUjieMwYDUj5BhEg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thank you, in advance, for your time.

Message from our PTA President and Vice President 

Does anyone else feel as though we’re living in a strangely historic time? Once we begin to adjust to our "new normal" things shift and we find ourselves having to make more adjustments. At times it can be frustrating, overwhelming and sad. But we are pressing on together as a connected community knowing that better days are ahead.

We are, once again, adjusting plans as we look at our return to school through a new lens. I’ve been joking with my family that plans A, B, and C are long gone. But, that doesn’t mean we won’t do our best with Plans X, Y, and Z.

We are reaching out to let you all know that, although things will be different this year, the PTA is still here and we plan to do all that we can to support families through this difficult time. We've been busy behind the scenes meeting with Mr. Fee and Ms. Donahue to determine our best path forward and how we can support the school during these unprecedented times.

We are: 1. Investigating activities to bring us together during this temporary situation. This includes finding after school programs that are willing to switch to a virtual setting, assemblies that can be offered to all remotely, planning virtual 5k’s, etc.

2. Forming a Military Connected Committee to better serve our Military connected students and a new Community Engagement Committee to ensure that every student feels included and valued.

We are a parent volunteer run organization and no contribution is too small. Please reach out if any of these opportunities interest you.

Our biggest goal is to help us keep our sense of community and “One Hunt Valley” spirit regardless of how and where our students are learning. Our Hunt Valley Community can do this and we will make the best of this new situation as we experience one of most unusual years in our 52 year history. We are One Hunt Valley and our PTA’s goal is to make sure that we all feel connected, even in this virtual environment.

The PTA’s mission is “Every Child. One Voice”. PTA is a child advocacy organization and what better way to advocate for our children then to come together as a community? Our membership is open (https://huntvalleypta.new.memberhub.store/store). Please consider joining.

We will reach out again soon. But, contact us if you'd like to talk about the coming year. We are, again, in a new version of school. But, we are here together.

Meredith Stankiewicz, President president@huntvalleypta.org

Dianna Carr, Vice Presiden vp@huntvalleypta.org

Dear Hunt Valley Families,

On behalf of the entire staff at Hunt Valley Elementary School, we would like to welcome you to the new school year! We are starting out the year 100% online, and FCPS will be reassessing this format as we near the end of the 1st Quarter. Our staff has been working on creative and innovative ways to connect with children and virtually facilitate the curriculum. With your partnership this year we are confident that we will be Virtually Unstoppable!

Hunt Valley’s amazing instructional staff is ready to take on this virtual start to the school year, and make sure that each child is successful. Unlike distance learning in the spring, your child’s attendance is required. Laptops will be issued to all children, in all grade levels. While we understand that you may have a laptop at home, we encourage you to use the school issued laptop which will have shortcuts and programs that we frequently use at Hunt Valley already installed on the desktop for your child. If you still choose to not use one of the school’s laptops, we will kindly ask you to fill out the “opt out” form. We have emailed you information regarding laptop distribution for the various grade levels.

Whether the learning is virtual or face-to-face, our goal is to encourage each child to achieve their full potential by instilling in them a love of learning. If there is something going on in your child’s home life that may impact their success during the school day, please communicate this to your child’s teacher, the counselor, or administration. The constant presence of COVID-19 has changed all our lives and has also impacted the children in many different ways. We all share the responsibility of the social-emotional stability, as well as the academic success, of our Hawks. 

During virtual learning, Hunt Valley staff will be synchronously communicating with your child through the computer. We realize that this daily “look” into your home can be extremely personal as many of you will be juggling work, younger siblings, grandparents, and pets while you simultaneously work to ensure your child is logged on and ready to learn. Our staff will make sure we are always respectful of this. There is a feature in the platform we will be using that will enable you to turn off the video at any time if needed.

Student Welcome Back Bags

All students will be issued a welcome bag this year. We will be providing these bags to students soon (still waiting on dates/times for distribution). This will not replace the school supply list but will have some learning materials included to start the school year. School supply lists can be found on our school’s website. 

If you have opted out of a laptop or still have the laptop, we will get back to you with a pick up date just for the Bags.

Your Child’s Teacher

Teachers will be sending out emails to you all to let you know your students' classroom assignment, prior to our Virtual Opening Event on Tuesday,  September 1st. The teaching staff will also be making phone calls to families before this event.

Virtual Opening Event

Virtual Open House will be on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. Your child’s teacher will email you a link to join us.

Kindergarten: 9:30am-10:15am
1st grade: 10:15am-11:00am
2nd grade: 11:00am-11:45am
3rd grade: 11:45am-12:30pm
4th grade: 1:15pm-2:00pm
5th grade: 2:00pm-2:45pm
6th grade: 3:00pm-3:45pm



As we move into this new school year together, we want to be sure that the Hunt Valley Families know that we are looking forward to building partnerships and staying connected. Communication will be imperative during distance learning, and the easiest and most reliable way to get in touch is via email. Most communications you receive from us will be in the form of emails through the What’s New at Hunt Valley, News You Choose, or eNotify emails. The What’s New at Hunt Valley messages most often will be sent every Friday.


We look forward to a safe, cooperative, and committed home-school partnership throughout the year ahead. 


Mr. Fee, Principal &  Mrs. Donahue, Assistant Principal

FCPS Laptops Still at Home

Students that still have FCPS laptops home for the summer, should make sure they are still getting updates. In order for these laptops to work correctly, please follow these directions.These should be done once a week in August

  • Plug the device into an outlet.
  • Turn the device on and let it boot up.
  • Ensure it is connected to the internet at that location.
  • Let the device sit for 30 minutes. No additional log-in’s or activities are required.
  • Do this once per week beginning in August to ensure the laptop has the latest updates. 

Laptop for Every Student

Every student will need an individual laptop this year in order to access daily synchronous instruction. It is not possible for students to share laptops. We have designated one laptop for every student at HVES. 

We recommend that if you only have a tablet available for your child that you take advantage of a FCPS laptop.  These laptops  will work better with the programs teachers are preparing to use with students this year.  Completed permission forms will be required to be turned in before laptops may be checked out to students.  All families will need to complete a health questionnaire before entering the school gym.

The schedule is structured in such a way to best distribute laptops following CDC guidelines. We can only release laptops to students in those grade levels associated with specific days.  This may require parents with more than one Hunt Valley student to sign up for more than one grade level/day.

We are expecting that some grade level teachers will be volunteering to help on their grade level distribution days.

If you can't make it to the scheduled pick-up date, we will be sending out a notice for more pick up dates in the near future,

Tips for a successful and expedient distribution:

  • Please bring signed permission form
  • Arrive ready to enter building at assigned time
  • Park in side parking lot
  • Students should remember their student ID# and password (Kindergarten students will get theirs on this day)
  • Use sanitation stations located outside of building before entering
  • Wear a mask
  • Follow 6 feet social distancing guidelines

Please Complete the Sign Up Genius

Grades 3 and 4

Date: Thursday, August 27

Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054CABAC2DAA8-third



Date Friday, August 28

Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054CABAC2DAA8-student

Please refer questions to Evan Lemmerman; School Based Technology Specialist  eblemmerman@fcps.edu

Laptop Distribution Information

Laptop Distribution:
All HVES students will receive a school laptop for their individual use for the duration of distance learning, and 6th graders will be issued new laptops for the full school year. The laptop distribution will begin in late August. Detailed schedules and processes will be coming soon. Parents will need to complete an acceptance of responsibility/usage agreement form. The required forms to complete are available in multiple languages at: https://www.fcps.edu/technology-permission-forms

If you wish to opt out of receiving a school-issued laptop, please let us know by filling out this form:

Please complete one form for every child in your family that does not need a laptop. If you choose to provide your own device, it should be a laptop or desktop computer. Tablets and cell phones are not always able to reliably access our virtual learning applications.

Internet Access:  We have a limited number of MiFi devices that can provide families with Internet access if needed.  If your family needs Internet access for the coming school year, please complete this form once for your household:

Supply Lists

Here is the link to the HVES Supply Lists for all grade levels for the 2020-2021 school year. Keep checking for any changes we make to the Supply Lists!

Daily Schedule

The new FCPS online instructional program will mirror the regular school day. HVES students will be assigned a grade-level teacher and all students will engage in online instruction four days per week. Daily attendance will be taken for each class, and the assignments will be graded. Teams will work collaboratively to develop their lesson plans, and to develop consistent formative and summative assessment practices. Students can also expect to engage in independent practice, reading, and exploration outside of the scheduled school day. 

In short, with some movement breaks, lunch and specials, a student's day will begin at 9:20 AM and end at 4:05 PM daily, Tuesday through Friday (our 2019-2020 schedule) 

Mondays will be available to assist students with the following:

Monday Mornings: Intervention/Enrichment: Select students scheduled for synchronous instruction based on need.
Independent Work: Tasks assigned by classroom teacher

Monday Afternoons: Student Independent Work, Teacher Planning and Professional Development

FCPS Food Availability

Since schools were closed, our food services team has provided nearly 2 million grab-and-go meals to families. FCPS will continue to provide grab-and-go meals through the remainder of the summer and once the school year begins. Food and Nutrition Services is currently researching how to best meet the needs of families this upcoming school year, while exploring meal service options. We will announce food distribution information as soon as possible.

Hunt Valley Yearbooks - Still can pick up!

If you did not get a chance to pick up the Yearbooks you ordered, please call Hunt Valley at 703 913-8800 between 9:30am - 3pm (M-F) to schedule a time to pick up your Yearbooks.

The pick-up location is in front of the school near the main entrance. Please pull up to the very front of the school and remain inside your vehicle. 


FCPS Cares

Do you know a Hunt Valley ES staff member who went beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to submit a brief description so we can all acknowledge the good work of Hunt Valley faculty and staff members!

Helpful Links for Return to School

We will begin the 2020-21 school year with Virtual Learning for all students on September 8th. 

FCPS Plan for Return to School:

Student Health and Safety Guidance Document:


Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Guardians


Kindergarten Registration

If you need to register your new Kindergarten student for the next school year, contact Ann Rodriguez, school registrar, at alrodriguez@fcps.edu.  She will assist you with the registration process.

I hope you and your families are having a great summer.
Mr. Fee