MHS PTSA eNews, July 3


July 3, 2020

Your Source for News about the Highlander Community

Did You Know...?

The FCPS website ( has daily updates, and a special education planning update was recently added (

Share Donations Needed

Share is currently in need of food donations, as well as toiletry items for clients during this difficult time. A list of the most needed items can be found at the Share website and is changing daily due to demand and where we have shortages. Donations can also be made online through PayPal or mailing a check to the address listed on website. In addition, Giant is assisting by enabling shoppers to purchase gift cards at customer service and leave in the Share box at customer service which are picked up daily.

Meetings and Events

July 7 - Dr. Reilly Q&A

July 10 - FCPS Enrollment Survey due


Links to Special Education Resources

FCPS Parent Resource Center

Special Education PTA