Advanced Academics in Action, 06/17/2020

Advanced Academics in Action


The Merriam Webster dictionary defines distance learning as a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes. Even at a distance, our teachers were dedicated to providing instruction that included room for differentiation, a growth mindset, and access to rigor. Below is a snapshot of the learning experiences and opportunities that different grade levels offered our students during distance learning:

  • Use of Flipgrid
  • Continuing with PBLs
  • Continuing with Portrait of a Graduate skills and artifacts
  • Use of Kahoot
  • Coding
  • Learning new video editing software

Just when we feel like we have gotten into our distance learning rhythm, the school year has come to an end! That doesn’t mean, of course, that the critical and creative thinking, and the deep dive into interest areas need to stop! Allow your child to explore, ask questions and find answers. There are many resources we have used with our students or have provided access to families that would be great ways to sneak in thinking skills over the summer.

Point of View

Point of View

Try this at home:

Point of view is analyzing how someone looks at the same situation. From PreK-6, we can practice point of view skills. Developing a critical point of view is extremely valuable in decision making, forming opinions, and learning to be empathetic.

  • When reading a book together, ask your child questions about how the main character handled a situation, or if your child would change an outcome of the book. Always follow up by asking your child to explain why. Listen to her or his answer and continue the conversation.
  • Ask your child what he or she really thought about distance learning. Follow up with “Why do you think that?” Share your point of view and ask if your child could understand your response.

If you are interested in learning more about the Advanced Academic Programs, feel free to contact Crossfield’s Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Melissa Graham ( or go to FCPS Advanced Academic Programs.