Student Material Drop off and Pick up

Reminder the last day for student material drop off and pick up is tomorrow, Monday, June 8. 

Here are the guidelines for this process:

  • Families/Students will come through the Kiss and Ride line starting by front entrance- either walking or in a car. Staff will be on hand to direct traffic.
  • We are asking that families come during the scheduled time by grade level (Schedule below).
    1. Note – If you have more than one student in your family you may pick up all belongings at one time, you do not need to come to school multiple times.
  • Students will need to bring the following materials with them when they come to school, if they have any:
    1. Library Books
    2. Classroom books/materials
    3. Patrol Belts

Note- Grades K-5 who have school laptops do not need to return the laptops at this time. They may keep them during the summer.

  • There will areas for each of these items to be returned by the family.
  • Student materials will be brought out by staff at end of the line and placed on a table for pick up.

Students with medicine in the clinic to pick up will proceed to the back of the school to collect their medicine. (Door 5- Bus Loop). The office staff will call you regarding the medicine.

9-10:30                 Grade K/Preschool and 1

11-12:30               Grade 2 and 3

1-2:30                    Grade 4 and 5