Student Materials Pick Up next Monday and Tuesday, June 1 and 2

WFES staff have been working hard to pack up classrooms and to bag student items.  Please know that every student has a bag to be retrieved, with art projects, classroom work, belongings from his or her desk, etc. We will be distributing student materials on Monday, June 1 and Tuesday, June 2. We have limited openings on Monday afternoon but have a number of open slots on Tuesday, June 2. Please sign up to collect your student materials using this link . When you come to collect student materials, please plan to bring library books, cleaned patrol belts, band/strings instruments borrowed from FCPS if in 6th grade and any other school materials.  

When you arrive at school, please pull up into the Kiss and Ride line in front of the school. You will not need to leave your car to pick up your child’s belongings.