MRES Update - May 15, 2020

Class Placement Parent Input 2020-2021

We will begin the class placement process for next year soon and would like to explain how we handle this at Marshall Road ES. Homeroom and specials teachers spend much time reflecting on the school year and discussing your children with whom they have developed such close relationships; this work is both careful and thorough.

In making placements into the next grade’s homerooms, we seek to build positive communities rather than assigning students to a particular teacher, which would limit our ability to build effective classroom dynamics. We strive for a fairly even mix of girls and boys, and we take into account the many new students who will join us next school year. While we do believe that it is important for children to have friends in their class, we also want them to be open to forming new friendships while at school.

Teachers spend many hours each day with their students and know who works well with whom. However, we invite parents to offer their perspective on friendships and on any unique needs your child might have that we might not be aware of. Please DO NOT make requests for a specific teacher. We have the utmost confidence in all of our teachers and have seen over the years that children and parents are able to form strong academic and personal relationships with many different teachers and styles. It might also be helpful for you to know that students often rotate out of their homerooms for different subjects and small groups. We will also be hiring several new teachers who will be wonderful additions to our faculty.

Your input is optional, and teachers will not schedule conferences specifically to discuss placement.

Finally, let me remind you that we will take into account the information that you send us, but that final decisions rest only with our school team. Please submit your input by Sunday, May 17 using the form linked here. Please know that this is a hard deadline. Any requests received after May 17 will not be considered. Thank you for being mindful of the process and deadlines.


Kindergarten Registration

Please help us spread the word. It’s time to register your child for Kindergarten. Please visit our school website or contact Ms. Shelly Koshuta ( to register. Don’t wait! We look forward to meeting our new Roadrunners!


Student Personal Items Return

Teachers will be packing up student materials over the next two weeks and will notify their families of the date and time for pickup. Medications left with the clinic can be picked up at that time. Please fill out this survey to help us prepare for this pickup.