Message from the Principal

Dear TJHSST Families:

This is a reminder that all FCPS schools have been closed effective this weekend. The staff development day originally scheduled for teachers Monday, March 16, is postponed. Schools will be closed to students for four weeks, including spring break, through April 10th.

To accommodate TJ students and families who wish to retrieve personal belongings, TJHSST will be open from 8:00am - 2:00 pm. on Monday, March 16. Any student needing technology assistance with a laptop is asked to arrive prior to 12:00 noon and go to room #49. 

All TJ visitors must enter at the front door at The Dome and check in at the main office upon arrival. Please understand this is not a time to go to classrooms to work or meet with teachers who might be in the building. A visit must be official business to pick up an item or seek tech support with a laptop. We also understand there are many students with research or projects in various stages of completion. FCPS confirmed for me that no students are permitted to do last-minute work in labs. During the school closure there will be research and projects suspended or even lost to time. We will do our best to mitigate circumstances and our teachers will be supremely flexible and understanding. Thank you for respecting these protocols.  

In terms of teaching and learning, we are in a phase best defined as Continuity of Learning. This means enrichment opportunities may be posted by our teachers and FCPS. Our TJ teachers may post opportunities on Blackboard and Google Classroom. FCPS also will promote digital and online resources. FCPS cable channels with learning activities are now available and Cable Channel 99 includes high school programming. All FCPS content will be available online at

During this time there is no graded or required work. Students are encouraged to use this time keep mind, body and soul healthy, so proceed at a pace that works for you. FCPS and I will continue to update you on how learning opportunities and expectations may evolve.  

Please access the FCPS Corona Virus Update for the most current FCPS information.  As the days and weeks evolve, I will be in touch with news pertinent to TJ. Otherwise, please follow all news released by FCPS as I want to continue to streamline communications without duplicating efforts.

Thank you for your patience and being supportive of our leaders as the country, Commonwealth, FCPS and TJ collectively navigate our way through these unprecedented times. 

We are a strong, accomplished and proud family that unites across Northern Virginia. TJ is a home away from home and some may have feelings of loss being separated from friends, teachers and staff. It will be hard to shift gears because we have such dedicated teachers and students who thrive in an academic world. Yet, we will find creative and new ways to stay connected and keep the TJ spirit alive and well!

We will miss see you! Wishing everyone health and fulfillment. 


Ann N. Bonitatibus, Ed.D.
