Announcements from Herndon Middle School 3/9/2020

Kiss and Ride Procedures Reminder

kiss and ride

Safety is of the utmost priority to us here at HMS. Because of this, we have
procedures our families should follow when dropping a student off at HMS.

  • All student drop off must occur at the designated Kiss & Ride area located in the back of the building.
  • Students should remain in the vehicle until you approach the designated drop-off area.
  • Students should NOT be dropped off in the front of the building on Locust Street or in the side parking lot.
  • We encourage you to arrive a few minutes early. High congestion time is
    typically 7:15-7:30.
  • When exiting the HMS campus and re-entering Locust Street traffic during morning drop off, right turns only may be made between 7am-8am.

Information can also be view on out website.

Don't forget to vote WTOP Grant for Clearview!


Clearview ES is currently in second place for a chance to win $10,000!  Please vote every day

School District: Fairfax School: Clearview

Everyone, 13 and older, can vote once PER DAY from today through March 11th. Feel free to post it on your home Facebook pages, Instagram, Twitter etc daily.  Thanks for your support!

Multicultural Night


On Thursday, April 30th at 5:30 p.m. Herndon Middle School will be hosting a Multicultural Night! Students who would like to participate are invited to an interest meeting on Wednesday, March 18 at 2:30 (after school during A Block) in H1/H2 (Health Room). Students who attend this meeting will check in in the cafeteria for after school first. We are looking for students who would like to participate in one of the following ways: Cultural performance/dance, cultural food presentations, and cultural informational tables. All students are invited and encouraged to participate. Students with questions may speak to Ms. Torres in the main office or Miss Grogan in Room 108. We are looking forward to seeing the many cultures at Herndon Middle School represented on this great night!



Join the HMS PTA for a Dining for Dollars at Ted's Bulletin in Reston Town Center on tomorrow 3/10 from 12pm-10pm.  A portion of all sales will be donated to the PTA. Be sure to MENTION HMS PTA!!!

Calendar Reminders

Calendar Reminder
  • March 9: Vivace (ADV) Orchestra Pre-Assessment Concert with HHSO, 7:00pm
  • March 10: Dining for Dollars at Ted’s Bulletin at RTC, from 12pm-10pm
  • March 11: Mentor/Mentee Mixer (After school-Block A)
  • March 11-13: Writing SOL Make-ups
  • March 13: Rotary Essay Contest Reception/Assembly (HT)
  • March 18: NJHS Student Meeting(cafe, A-block)
  • March 20-21: District XII Middle School Choir Assessment (Kenmore MS (Arlington, VA)
  • March 24: Band Rehearsals (performing arts/ conf.1, 4:45-6:30)
  • March 25: Financial Planning for College-Parents Workshop (Aud, 7-9pm)
  • March 26: RIVALRY Futsal Game (7th vs. 8th)
  • March 27-28: District Middle School Orchestra Assessment(Gunston MS,8am-8pm)
  • March 31: Band Rehearsals (performing arts/ conf.1, 4:45-7:00)
  • March 31: Pyramid Concert- Elementary Honor Band, Symphonic Band (HHS Wind Ensemble- 7 PM, Auditorium)