Personal Choice/Outstanding Employee Awards

Dear Marshall Road Families,

Next week we will revisit #OtherPeopleMatter, specifically how our words and actions affect others. We will teach the students that the choices they make always affect someone. Regardless of the degree, someone is always affected by the choices of others.

Personal choice is the ability to make up one’s mind regarding a particular decision. Everything we do, say, text, tweet, snap, or post can positively or negatively impact other people. According to research from McKinsey & Co, “the typical American hears or reads more than one hundred thousand words every day.” Think about that for a moment: 100,000 words every single day. We will help our young roadrunners understand that our words and actions impact our relationships with other people. Words have the power to lift others up or tear them down. Words and actions also impact ourselves.

“Being kind to someone has the potential for changing someone’s entire day. It has the potential to change someone’s entire life. “  - Kerri Walsh Jennings

Nominations are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards! To submit a nomination for an employee at Marshall Road Elementary School, please complete the nomination through this Google form link: All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The deadline to submit a nomination is November 20, 2019. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Heflin at

Student safety continues to be our top priority at dismissal. It is important that parents follow the dismissal guidelines by not parking illegally when picking up students. Do not pull into or park on Delilah Drive or Rachel Lane when picking up students. Absolutely no U-turns on Marshall Road at any time. Please contact the office if you have questions.

Enjoy your weekend!

Jennifer Heiges, Matt Chapman and Sue Kirby

Administrative Team