November Newsletter

Principal’s Message


November already? How’d that happen! As we wind down the first quarter of school and enter into the Thanksgiving season, I want to say thank you for sharing your kids with us, for supporting your child’s teachers’ efforts, and for instilling good character in your children. We have great behaviors in our school, thanks to you.

We were so pleased to have such a great turnout for Fall Festival! Our awesome PTA did their typically amazing job, and we had more volunteers than ever! Mrs. Bowman, our president, will share more in the near future, including how much money was raised to lower field trip costs, fund PTA family events, and otherwise help our school.

Thanks to parents and teachers for meeting recently (or next week) to discuss your child(ren)’s academic progress. We are officially in the second quarter of school next week, and we know that we’ll do great things if we continue to work together. Progress Reports (“report cards”) will come home on Thursday, November 14.

November has lots of great events to look forward to. We hold our annual Veteran Day program, presented by the 2nd graders and the music department, and we invite all families to eat a special Thanksgiving Lunch with us. Dates are on page 2. Flyers with more information will be coming home as we get closer to the dates. Check Coates social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) as well.

Perhaps our biggest event is our Parent Partnership Night on November 13. By now, you’ve hopefully seen the flyer in last week’s Thursday Folder and my News You Choose email about this event. This is our chance to make our school-home connection stronger than ever. We have a good thing here at Coates, but we can make it even better! To do this, we want as many parents as possible to join us, tell us your stories (your hopes for your children, the important things about your family, culture, or identity that drives you, etc.). Staff members will do the same. This is all building toward a compact between home and school, but before we do that, we need a deeper understanding of where everyone is coming from.   Please join us! The more families represented, the better! Thanks to our PTA for co-planning this event and providing childcare and pizza for your kids if you come.

On our calendar you’ll notice that GRATITUDE is our focus for two weeks in November. We’ll work hard at school to teach and model this character strength. If you’d like to show gratitude to your child's teacher, I encourage you to recognize him/her at FCPS Cares ( ) or go to Coates Facebook and write a short review ( coateselementary). Notes or cards that express appreciation for other Coates stars who rarely get recognized, like music, art, and PE teachers, counselors, specialists, crossing guards, bus drivers, etc. are a great idea too!

Have a great month! Happy second quarter and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jesse Kraft, Proud Principal


Veterans Day

We honor our country’s brave veterans on November 11. This is a school day. At 9:45, our 2nd graders will sing patriotic songs to honor the service of veterans. Families and local veterans are welcome to join us. Spread the word!


Thanksgiving Lunch

On November 21, the Coates food services staff will be serving a special lunch in the cafeteria in recognition of Thanksgiving. Come join your child and celebrate with us! There will be a special lunch schedule that day.

Weekly Updates from Teachers

Are you receiving the weekly email or text from your child’s teacher? If not, contact the teacher ASAP! All Coates teachers send a weekly email or text to update parents on what they’re working on in class. It’s a great way for you to stay informed and involved!


The Positivity Project Continues!

We teach and promote these character strengths this month. Watch Thursday Folders & social media for resources to help you emphasize character at home!

Wk of Nov. 4            Bravery

Wk of Nov. 11          Knowing my Words & Actions  Affect Others

Wk of Nov. 18          Gratitude

Wk of Nov. 25          Gratitude

Wk of Dec. 2            Kindness


                     Mark Your Calendar

Nov. 4 & 5           Teacher Workdays/Student Holiday        

Nov. 7                 Make up picture day

Nov 13                Family Life Education Parent Preview 6:00

                           Parent Partnership Mtg (PTA Mtg), 6:30

Nov.18                AAP Eligibility Process Parent Mtg 6pm

Nov. 18-22         Stand up to Bulling Week

Nov. 20              Spirit Night Fundraiser “Guapo’s” 5-10pm

Nov. 21             Thanksgiving Luncheon

Nov. 27-29        Thanksgiving Break


Looking Ahead

Dec. 4 —Parent Partnership Mtg (PTA Mtg), 6:30

Dec. 13—Movie Night 6:30pm

Dec. 19 —Interims go home

Dec. 23-Jan 3 —Winter Break

Nov. 27-29-Thanksgiving Break