WAKEFIELD FOREST ES Message from the Principal


Dear Wakefield Forest Community,

We hosted a community meeting on May 20, 2019 to discuss our school’s current capacity challenges and potential next steps as we move toward our scheduled renovation.  At the meeting, we were joined by School Board Member Megan McLaughlin, Region 5 Assistant Superintendent Rebecca Baenig and Executive Principals, Eric McCann and Dave Jagels, as well as Facilities Management staff. We appreciate the many families and staff members who were able to attend and the thoughtful questions that were posed.  To review the questions and answers from the meeting, please click here: https://wakefieldforestes.fcps.edu/node/1583
During the meeting, several possible solutions outlined in the FY2020-24 Capital Improvement Program were discussed, including adding more instructional space to the existing building as well as a potential boundary adjustment.  However, at this time FCPS staff must first conduct a site analysis related to the upcoming renovation to determine if enlarging the building can sufficiently provide capacity relief.  Further information related to the site analysis and potential boundary adjustment will be shared with the community in early 2020.  Please be assured that any school boundary proposal will be done in a transparent manner that includes extensive community engagement, and any changes would not go into effect until Fall 2021.

Thank you.

Sharyn Prindle