A Message From the Principal

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 5

PTA Back to School Bash – In the front of the school, near the gazebo 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Friday, September 6

First Lockdown Drill

Tuesday, September 10

Dr. Recess Assembly- Thanks to our PTA for sponsoring!

Advanced Academic Program Information Meeting in cafeteria 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Friday, September 20

Ravensworth Spirit Day- Wear our school colors and Ravensworth Spirit Wear!


A Message from the Principal

Dear Ravensworth Families,

Happy New School Year!  We are off to a great start! 

This year we will continue to send out the Ravens Nest every Wednesday with school updates.  We’ll keep our emails to a minimum and will not send emails on other days schoolwide unless needed for essential purposes. 

Below are a few announcements and gentle reminders at the beginning of the year:


Emergency Care Cards & Health Forms

Thank you for returning your completed emergency care card and health form.  If you have not done so yet, please do so ASAP.


Visitor Sign-In

If you are entering the school building, please check-in at the main office with your driver’s license. This is for your safety as well as the safety of all students.


Evacuation Drills

We have a fire drill every week during the first month of school and once a month for the reminder of the school year.  We also practice tornado and lockdown drills throughout the year.


Positivity Project

Ravensworth is excited to be a partner with the Positivity Project.  #OtherPeopleMatter  More information will be coming throughout the school year.  Positivity Project


Open House/Back to School Night Feedback

This year we tried a new format by combining our Open House/Back to School Night.  We would like your feedback as we continue to refine this event.  Please use the Google form link to submit your feedback.

Ravensworth Open House/Back to School Feedback Form