Centre Ridge ES News

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In this issue

      Welcome Back

We had a great first week of school as we welcomed all of our students this week. There was a lot of energy and excitement and the students and staff did an amazing job starting the year and beginning to build relationships. Staff spent the week introducing policies and procedures and students spent the week getting to know their classmates and sharing experiences during Morning Meeting. Thank you to everyone for your patience as the first few days are always a little hectic but I think we have arrival and dismissal in a good routine and are ready to attack next week. Enjoy the long weekend and we will see everyone here on Tuesday.

Chip Deliee, Principal

Team of the Week

Office staff

Front Office Staff

Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Barreto and Mrs. Fields are top of the mountain when it come to office staff. They are an amazing team that has done a great job getting the school year off to a wonderful start for all of our students. We can’t do it without them and thank you for all you do here at the Ridge!

Welcome back from the staff at Centre Ridge ES!


Don’t forget to go to our school website for all important information and updates. You can also translate information on the site using the Language button at the top of the page.


Reminder of Important Dates

Aug 30 - Holiday; NO SCHOOL
Sep   2 - Labor Day; NO SCHOOL
Sep 10   - PTA Meeting; Library @ 7:00 pm

RAM with students



PTA Information

PTA Website:  Centreridgepta.org

September 10th – 6:00 PM - Library

First PTA meeting– we will have Valerie Carter present on Advanced Academics at Centre Ridge and answer any questions that you may have about the program.


CVHS Marching Band visits Centre Ridge.  



All orders are due Friday, 9/6. These are custom wearables and cannot be returned or exchanged. Please contact Michelle Robertson by email:  vp1@centreridgepta.org with questions or for additional order forms. Checks are made payable to CRES PTA.


September 23-October 4


- Students who collect at least $50 will have their name entered into a raffle drawing for a Fire HD Tablet (2 tablets will be given out – 1 for grades K-2 and 1 for grades 3-6

- Primary (K-2) and Upper (3-6) classes with overall highest amount of pledges collected will earn a pizza party.


- Top readers in each class will receive a gift card to a local retailer, bookmark and certificate Detailed information will be sent home Tuesday, September 10 in your child's Tuesday Communication Folder