From the Principal's Desk

From the Principal's Desk

Dear Members of the CHS Community:

Thank you for a wonderful school year.  Please note that this is the last Friday message for the 2018-2019 school year.  If anything comes up that needs your attention over the summer, I will let you know.

Best wishes for a safe and happy summer!



Google Suite for Education Summer Access

G Suite for Education is available to students over the summer. All files created by, or shared with, students will continue to be available to them. Explore what your student is working on in G Suite for Education by having your student log in to his or her FCPS G Suite for Education account at home. Your student will use his or her network login credentials to access G Suite for Education. Students have the ability to reset their password using the Account Recovery service, even over the summer. However, recovery options must be set up in advance. Your student can set up those options by logging into the FCPS Account Manager. Summer is also the perfect time to revisit the rules in your household for technology and media use, and set clear expectations for your child. The FCPS Digital Citizenship website has Device Contracts and Family Media Agreements that can help you guide family conversations. There is also a free online Digital Citizenship course available for parents and their children to work through together. More information on G Suite for Education can be found on the FCPS Website


The Chantilly PTSA All Night Grad Party Team

The All Night Grad Party team would like to thank the 342 Class of 2019 grads who attended the party, along with the hundreds of volunteers who donated their time to this great event. We also mistakenly called Mission BBQ Memphis BBQ in our note last week. Thanks to them and all of our local vendors for generously supporting this Chantilly tradition. We look forward to doing it all again for the Class of 2020.



Boys Tennis won the Team State Championship by beating Cox 5-0.  Congratulations to the team and Coaches Matt Datta and Bob Sciabica.  This is the second year in a row that they won the state and 3 out of the last 4.

Will Pak and Manu Balasubramanian won the State Doubles Tennis Championship.