Reminder: FY 2021 DRPT grant applications due Monday, February 3rd
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation sent this bulletin at 01/28/2020 02:54 PM EST
Dear Virginia Public Transportation Partners:
Please note this friendly reminder that the deadline for FY 2021 grant applications is Monday, February 3rd. OLGA will remain open to users until 11:59 P.M. that evening. As the deadline approaches, we also want to share a few reminders to support you:
TransAM inventory updates were due January 15. State of Good Repair Capital Applications will be scored based upon the data exported from TransAM as of Monday, February 3rd. Updates completed after that point will not be utilized for project prioritization.
- TDP/TSP Update letters were also due by January 15. As a reminder, applications need to be consistent with your adopted TDP or consistent with a TDP update letter. If you have not yet submitted your TDP update letter, please do so by February 3.
As always, DRPT staff are available to answer questions and provide assistance to support you throughout the application process. Additional policy and technical guidance is also available on our MERIT website at: