Department of Human Resource Management
Office of State Health Benefits
March 14, 2024
Series of Benefits Administrator Informational Sessions
The Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM), Office of Health Benefits will be holding a series of benefits administrator informational sessions. During these sessions, the Office of Health Benefits (OHB) will open with a relevant topic and then allow time for general questions.
The first session will be held on March 29 at 10a.m. and the topic will be Open Enrollment 2024 - What You Need to Know. In this session OHB will cover:
- Open Enrollment Dates
- Key Communication Milestones
- Overview of Benefit Changes/Enhancements
We strongly encourage you to attend, register here!
Open Enrollment Coming in Early May
Open Enrollment for health benefits and flexible spending accounts (FSAs) will be held from May 1 through May 15, 2024. Please be sure to update your contact information for each of your agency groups in the Cardinal system to receive important Open Enrollment information.
Here is the navigation in Cardinal: Navigator > Benefits > Employer Information > BA Contacts. Once you are on the BA Contact page, enter the Agency number, click search and Cardinal should return with the option(s) for the agency. Similar to the BES system, there are four positions for contact information per agency/payroll group.
Please do not reply to this email. You may send inquiries to the Office of Health Benefits mailbox.