August 30, 2023
Dear Human Resource Directors:
DHRM is examining quality assurance strategies that reinforce the administration of the Commonwealth’s Classified Compensation Program within its decentralized framework. The decentralization of salary administration is designed to speed business processes, and to strengthen the accountability of agency leaders who make workforce decisions. This model is most effective when it performs within a central system of policy, standards and practices, compliance with laws governing employee pay, and a commitment to accountability for the use of public funds.
Policy 3.05, Compensation, requires that agencies establish and maintain Agency Salary Administration Plans (ASAP) to guide internal salary administration and related talent management practices. Because these plans should be updated annually, we have decided to utilize these as the starting point for developing a central quality assurance and improvement plan.
This will be a collaborative effort, and we look forward to including you and your Compensation SMEs in design discussions in the coming weeks. In the interim, please provide a copy of your 2023 ASAP to by October 15.