Cardinal HCM Telework Enhancements

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This communication is being sent to All HR Directors, HR Administrators, and all HR Interface Contacts.

December 9, 2022

Since the telework policy was revised in July, reporting requirements for classified employees have changed. To date, we’ve asked the agencies to submit this data manually since it’s not currently recorded in Cardinal. We’ll appreciate your assistance in making these changes and will, in turn, be able to pull reports directly from Cardinal instead of asking you to submit the information manually. This effort will, in the long run, save you some time.

We recognize how full your plates are now and will be in the coming months and want to provide as much lead time as possible. We ask that these data changes be made by the end of February.

Summary of Cardinal Changes
To enable the tracking and reporting of approved Teleworking Agreements in Cardinal, several changes and updates will be implemented to support the new policy.


Current Field:

Changed To:

Cardinal Path:

Work Mode

Employee Eligible for Telework

Job data>Employment Data

W: Office/Facility Worker

W: Employee Eligible for Telework


M: Mobile Worker

No change



I: Employee Ineligible for Telework (new)


T: Full-time Teleworker

No longer available


H: Hybrid Teleworker

No longer available


L: Limited Teleworker

No longer available


Available for Telework

No change

Position Data

The Available for Telework field strictly refers to the position itself, and not the individual filling it.

New Cardinal menu option for HR Administrators:

Maintain Teleworkers - This new page will house approved telework agreement data, including:

  • Start and End Date of the Agreement
  • Number of Telework Days per Week approved for telework
  • If employee is teleworking because they live and work out of state

All classified employees with an approved telework agreement must be added to this page by 2/28/2023. The page is optional for any other employees.

Agencies will need to have their Employee Eligible for Telework field information updated, as necessary, and their approved telework agreement data entered/uploaded in Cardinal by 2/28/2023.

Additional Resources will be available:

Resources to support this update will be available beginning 2/6/2023.

• A Maintain Teleworkers Mass Upload will be available to allow HR Administrators to load data into the Maintain Teleworkers page.

• A Maintain Teleworkers Mass Upload Query will be available to assist in completing the Maintain Teleworkers Mass Upload template.

• The Job Data Mass Upload, and its corresponding Query, will be updated to include the “Employee Eligible for Telework” field which will allow agencies with a high volume of changes to quickly make the updates.

• The New Hire Mass Upload will have the “Employee Eligible for Telework” field added so that it can be populated any time a large number of new hires need to be loaded into Cardinal.

• The Maintain Teleworkers Detailed Report will provide HR Administrators (or those with HR Read-Only access) with a detailed listing of their active employees’ teleworking details. This report can be run to list only employees with an active telework agreement, only those without an active telework agreement, or all active employees.

• The Maintain Teleworkers Summary Statistics Report will primarily provide DHRM summary statistics at the Secretariat and Agency levels but will also be available to HR Administrators to see the summary statistics for their agency and its departments.

• A Maintain Teleworkers Job Aid is being developed to serve as a guide for the new page and its mass upload.

Agencies who use the HR003 Employee Data and/or HR296 Employee Extract interfaces will receive a separate communication on December 12. This communication will detail the technical changes agencies will need to make to accommodate the revised usage of the Employee Work Mode/Employee Eligible for Teleworking field. Cardinal will offer these agencies an opportunity to test these interface changes in January 2023.


Timeline of Events

Dates Maintain Teleworkers Events

1/17/2023 – 1/31/2023

HR003 and HR296 Interface Testing - Interfacing agencies only


Go Live – Maintain Teleworkers: All changes will be available in Cardinal, excluding the Summary Statistics Report


Deadline for agencies to update the Employee Eligible for Teleworking field for active employees and uploading data for all active telework agreements into Cardinal


Maintain Teleworkers Summary Statistics Report available in Cardinal


Maintain Teleworkers Forum: The Cardinal PPS HR Team will host a forum to demonstrate the new functionality to HR Admins as well as answer questions.


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