June 30, 2022
DHRM Windmills Training: Employment Disability Inclusion Training in Support of the Alternative Hiring Process
In April, the Alternative Hiring Process (AHP) was launched as part of a comprehensive strategy to increase the employment of individuals with disabilities within state government. The next step in this strategy includes education and awareness opportunities. DARS and DHRM are collaborating to offer Windmills training for the HR Community.
Windmills is a disability awareness training that uses participation and discovery as learning vehicles to understand the culture of disability in the workplace by: - helping to change attitudinal barriers & creating new perspectives on the unique abilities of individuals. - increasing awareness of the role that attitudes play in the employment of people with disabilities. - encouraging the employment and advancement of persons with disabilities.
Attend these 3 short virtual training sessions to learn how you can better understand the culture of disability in the workplace. Each session will be on Wednesdays from 10:30 - 12:00 pm.
July 13: Profiles/Taking the Emotion out of Emotional Disabilities This module examines how stereotyping of persons with disabilities may impact employment decisions. It also addresses the stigma of working with persons with emotional disabilities and reviewing reasonable accommodations for those disabilities.
July 27: Fact or Fiction/Whose Fault This module helps to create a more comfortable work environment through proper interaction etiquette and also examines how miscommunication and the working relationship among management and staff can impact the workplace & how they can be prevented.
August 10: Assistive Technology/Reasonable Accommodations This module reviews how to evaluate the potential needs of persons with disabilities and to formulate creative and reasonable accommodations.
Registration is required through this Zoom Platform