Message from the Director
Each May, we look forward to two highly anticipated events -- the arrival of bright green, almost neon like pollen that covers any and everything outdoors and the annual period of Open Enrollment for the state health insurance plan. Both events bring an opportunity to talk to employees about the state health insurance plans and the many advantages and benefits of being an employee of the state workforce.
Often overlooked or underutilized employee benefits include the ability to find legal and financial advice or help finding child/elder care through the Employee Assistance Program; the availability of paid time off to assist in a public preschool, elementary school, middle school, or high school or to volunteer with an eligible non-profit; Parental Leave to care for and bond with a newborn or child under the age of 18 newly-placed for adoption or for foster or custodial care; CommonHealth programs focused on personal wellness to include the upcoming new program, Wise Eyes, with a focus on good vision; and the many financial wellness resources available monthly through a partnership with the Virginia Retirement System, the Virginia Credit Union and Truist. Remind employees of basic benefits that include a routine physical, eye exam, dental visits, gynecological exam, mammography screening, prostate exam, and colorectal cancer screening, and don’t forget immunizations as some require a booster based on age.
Lastly, there are many employee discounts offered for a variety of activities (travel, hotels, car rental, etc.), discounted computer purchases, software for home use and even discounts for wireless service providers. Sharing information about these services and benefits can help employees become financially prepared, mentally ready and physically healthy to take on the work challenges that come with each new work day.
Workforce Management
Hiring Policy Revised to Incorporate Alternative Hiring Process
Effective May 2, 2022, the Commonwealth's Hiring Policy has been updated to include references to the Alternative Hiring Process. Please address any questions to the DHRM Policy Mailbox.
Workforce Planning Update
DHRM is continuing to build our strategy around workforce planning that incorporates a more holistic approach by focusing on the areas of continuity of operations, recruitment, retention/engagement, and workforce development. We are working on reorganizing and integrating the existing tools and templates around these areas and identifying opportunities to streamline the workforce planning process.
Some of the enhanced features of these tools are included in the FY22 Employment Opportunities Plan template, published in April. Three items currently in development are the Agency Profile, Critical Roles Tool, and Agency Strategy Template which will be available in the coming weeks. Continue to check the DHRM Workforce Planning web page for updates.
For any questions or looking to learn more, please contact DHRM workforce planning at
Employee Position Reports (EPR) Data
As previously communicated, R1 and R2 agencies will report EPR data in PMIS and Cardinal until the completion of the R3 conversion. EPR will no longer pull from PMIS, which requires all R1 and R2 agencies to manually enter this data, using the full transaction screens for EPR reporting in PMIS. Agencies will need to key salary data in addition to wage data.
Updating Employee and Position Counts in Cardinal is similar to the PMIS EPR data reporting process. In Cardinal, the HR Administrators and HR EPR Only Users will use the EPR tool to update and certify that their filled position counts are reflected correctly. EPR reporting deadlines for both systems will remain the same, the 25th of every month.
Employment Opportunities Plan (EOP) Reminder
Remember that each July 1, agencies are required to submit a formal EOP outlining strategies for increasing the employment of individuals with disabilities.
You should access the revised EOP template, which now incorporates metrics for the Alternative Hiring Process and that better aligns with the Workforce and Succession Plan. See the article in the April issue of HR Highlights.
Please submit your updated plan, including a signed 2022 Statement of Commitment form by email to Natalie Brannon, Director of Compensation and Workforce Analytics, no later than June 30, 2022.
Biking May Impact Health in Numerous Ways
The League of American Bicyclists started annual National Bike Month in May 1956 to promote the numerous benefits of bicycling. Biking is both a low impact form of exercise as well as a viable form of daily transportation in many areas. From its potential to reduce air and noise pollution to its ability to decrease the risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and some cancers, bike riding can be an excellent way to take care of both yourself and the planet. Not only does it provide many benefits for environmental and physical health, it is also beneficial for mental health. See more...
Celebrate the Contributions of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
In 1992 Congress passed a law (Pub.L.102-450) that officially designated May as “Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.” Every year during May we celebrate the contributions that generations of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) have made to our history, society and culture. Now more than ever we must recognize their contributions, proudly celebrate the diversity that makes up Virginia, and work together to advance our efforts beyond the festivities. See more...
Participate in OnTheSquareVA Activities!
It's time again for OnTheSquareVA, which returns today, May 4, on the east side of Capitol Square in Richmond. OnTheSquareVA will host weekly food trucks on Tuesdays beginning May 17 and farmers’ markets on Thursdays beginning May 19, centrally located on the Capitol Square Complex near the Madison Building. There also will be events on Wednesdays, some of which will be in-person and some virtual through the OnTheSquare-Anywhere statewide program. See the OnTheSquareVA calendar of events. Activities will be updated throughout the summer. The OnTheSquareVA team also is looking for state employees and state agencies interested in partnering to host events.
As new state employees are on-boarded twice a month, please let them know about the OnTheSquareVA and OnTheSquare-Anywhere programs, and encourage them to subscribe to the email updates for information on upcoming events. More information, and a link to sign up for the emails, can be found at
Be Sure Open Enrollment Elections Are Submitted On Time!
Open Enrollment for Health Benefits and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) is underway and ends on May 16. Be sure to encourage employees to submit their elections on time. Paper enrollment forms are due at the close on business on the 16th. Employees at Release 1 and 2 agencies may enter elections online in Cardinal HCM, while employees in Release 3 agencies may use EmployeeDirect until 11:59 p.m. that day. Remember that to keep enrollment in an FSA, an election is required every year.
Comings and Goings...
Finance and Administration: Farewell to Todd Hopkins who faithfully served DHRM for the past 11 years as a Procurement Specialist and Senior Specialist. During his tenure, Todd built positive relationships across DHRM and with other central service agency counterparts and partners. Please join us as we offer our best wishes to Todd in his new role as Senior Procurement and Contract Officer with the Department of Health Professions!