Message from the Director
Health, Safety and Leading Through Conflict
At the forefront of work this month is a focus on the health and safety of our workforce. The Governor’s Executive Directive #18 mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for Executive branch employees. For those partially or unvaccinated, COVID-19 testing will be put in place with the intent to identify and stop the further spread of the virus. Mandatory vaccinations and testing in the workplace are new requirements for most employees and because of that, these new mandates bring complexity and change. And, we know change can be difficult and create conflict. To successfully lead through conflict, you may need to reflect on your personal definition of conflict. Do you see conflict as an obstacle or an opportunity? Reframing your definition of conflict may help you view conflict in a more action oriented, manageable way. Reframing isn’t about changing the situation, but shifting your own viewpoint so that you can move onward.
I also want to give a shout out to our 2,000+ employees and their family members who have put a focus on their health by joining the Commonwealth’s Weight Watchers program. This group has lost a collective total of nearly 7,000 pounds. That equates to about 37 kangaroos. An adult, male red kangaroo weighs about 190 pounds. They are known to be fantastic jumpers, leaping 30 feet horizontally and 9 feet high in a single bounce. I bet the employees who have collectively lost nearly 7,000 pounds are also bouncing for joy!
Workforce Management
Workers' Compensation and COVID-19
Legislation passed by the 2021 General Assembly created new COVID-19 presumptions under § 65.2-402.1 of the Code of Virginia. One presumption is for health care workers, and the other is for firefighters, law enforcement, correctional officers, and regional jail officers. We encourage our agency workers’ compensation contacts to reach out to their Agency Relations Representative (ARR) if they have any questions or concerns about how these presumptions may have an impact on their agencies.
Guidance on COVID and the American Disabilities Act (ADA)
In case you missed it, the U.S. Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice have joined together to provide guidance on "Long COVID" as a Disability Under the ADA, Section 504, and Section 1557. Read more...
What's New in Learning and Development
DHRM’s Managing Virginia Program (MVP) serves as a foundational element for many Commonwealth of Virginia leaders, managers, supervisors, and for those who may be interested in pursuing a future leadership path. With browser support ending for Flash Player at the beginning of this year, the COVLC team has been diligently working since last fall to convert many courses that were built in flash to html5 so that they can be properly viewed. Most of the MVP courses have been converted. Just a few are not yet available in the COVLC. More...
Recruitment Management System (RMS) Update
Increased funding was approved last spring in the FY22 budget for procuring a new Commonwealth RMS solution. DHRM is partnering with VITA on this project. The Request for Proposals (RFP) was published on July 28. The project team, which also includes Agency HR representation, plans to evaluate suppliers this fall in anticipation of a contract award in early 2022.
As we move forward, it is important that agencies continue to effectively manage RMS accounts. Pending user account requests for access to RMS need to be reviewed and processed timely. A recent audit noted that many users are requesting HR access to the wrong agency. Agencies should deny any accounts that are not for their agency and ensure they are appropriately closed in the system.
Talent Outreach Opportunity
DHRM is partnering with VEC to host a job fair event for state agencies in October. The free virtual agency-only event will highlight the skills and abilities within the Commonwealth and assist with retention of top talent. We are excited to share this opportunity with you and are counting on agency participation to ensure success of this inaugural event. An invitation with more details is coming soon.
Workforce Planning Upcoming Deadline
The September 30 deadline for submitting workforce plans is quickly approaching. Reports to support agency completion of workforce plans are located in agency repository folders in HuRMan. We also encourage agencies to leverage their own agency data and reports when completing their workforce plans. Remember, you can access the template, instructions, instructional webinars, and other related documents on the DHRM Workforce Planning website. Completed workforce plans should be submitted to
Mandatory EEO-4 Biennial Report Due in October
DHRM is responsible for coordinating the Commonwealth’s EEO-4 Report. This report, a biennial statistical employment survey of state government which is submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) biennially, is required by Section 709(c) of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. This report must be submitted to the EEOC in October 2021. As you all know, DHRM is also preparing for the Release 1 of Cardinal with a rollout date in October. Thus, your attention and assistance is required and appreciated to meet the EEO-4 Reporting deadline. For more information, please see the email previously sent regarding EEO-4. If there are any questions, contact the DEI Unit at NOTE: Colleges and universities are NOT required to report data for the EEO-4 Report.
Virginia Overtime Wage Act Amended on August 10
The 2021 Special Session II has amended the Virginia Wage Overtime Act effective August 10, 2021 to allow public employers the use of Overtime Leave as compensation instead of Overtime Pay. Item 20 states "...that for the purposes of the Virginia Overtime Wage Act § 40.1-29.2 the terms "Wages" and "Pay" shall also mean overtime compensatory time in lieu of wages for overtime pay by public agencies as provided by the Fair Labor Standards Act..." See full text here. This amendment is not retroactive for the period of July 1 - August 9, and does not affect the new mandated overtime calculations. Please see additional details here.
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month
Why do we recognize and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States? To address this question, we have to learn a bit of history. It might be helpful to remember that the first European power to land and explore in the Americas (after the Vikings did around the year 1000!) was Spain. Today, there are 41 million people in the United States who speak Spanish exclusively at home. There are 12 million more in the U.S. who are bilingual in Spanish and English. This means that the United States has more Spanish speakers than Spain itself—which has a total population of 47 million! More details here.
Get Ready for NDEAM!
Mark your calendars - it’s just around the corner!! DHRM is partnering with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) in the annual communications campaign to support National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October. The theme for the 2021 campaign is America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion. The Commonwealth supports an environment of inclusivity for all employees, including individuals with disabilities. Throughout the month, DHRM and DARS will be providing information and education through social media and email. We ask for your support and encourage your agency to participate in this annual event.
Spirit Week Returns in September
Get ready to have fun September 13-17! The OWE Anywhere Activities team is happy to announce the return of Spirit Week for 2021. Spirit Week is a way for all Commonwealth agencies to participate in fun activities whether they are working from home or in the office. Individuals should dress appropriately according to the daily themes listed in this flyer. Pictures are encouraged! If employees are willing for pictures to be shared on social media and in the Employee Experience magazine, they can send them to Pictures should be work appropriate, list the employees, the state agency/location, and show employees practicing safety precautions related to COVID-19 guidelines.
Online EOBs for COVA HealthAware Members
In an effort to save time and reduce paper waste, Aetna is transitioning to online Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) for COVA HealthAware members. Beginning September 1, 2021, plan claims and EOB information may be viewed on the member website. EOBs may also be accessed on the Aetna app under the “Home” tab. See more...
Cardinal Release 1 - Look for Communications
As we approach the Release 1 go-live date for the new Cardinal HCM system, agencies are reminded to be sure to watch for and read all Cardinal related emails carefully! There will be many impacts to our processes, policies, and systems throughout this cutover period and through the ultimate transition to the new Cardinal System. Cardinal is also deploying many key final tasks and key dates are being communicated for both Release 1 and Release 2 agencies.
Cardinal Release 1 - PMIS/BES Blackout Period
Agencies are also reminded that during the cutover period of September 16-20, PMIS/BES will be offline for conversation tasks for both Release 1 and Release 2 agencies. Please plan and staff accordingly.
Comings and Goings...
Office of Information Security: We say goodbye to Maurice Coles, who joined DHRM as an Information Security Analyst in September 2018. He also worked with the Information Security and Risk Management team. In these tech-fueled times where cybersecurity is one of the major threats to personal, financial, and health information, Maurice was the voice over our shoulders to advise on how we should act and behave to protect that information at work and at home. In 2020, Maurice represented DHRM extremely well as co-chair of the committee responsible for organizing the 2021 COV Information Security Conference. We wish him good luck in his new position at the Department of Education. Farewell, Maurice. Keep doing great things.
Human Resource Consulting Services: Daveina "Day" Scruggs is truly a day-lightful addition to the DHRM team! Day, who is employed by Abacus Staffing, is serving as the DHRM HR Data Liaison and lead for the iHelp function. She will also serve as our Cardinal Change Management and Cardinal Training Lead. Day has extensive experience as an HR Business Partner, Shared Services Supervisor, HR Analyst, and HR Consultant for both private and public sector organizations. She is originally from Tennessee and exudes southern charm through excellent customer service and contagious energy. She has an associate degree in human services management, a bachelors in psychology, and a masters in industrial organizational psychology. Welcome, Day!