Conversations on ONE Virginia
This month the DHRM team joins the Secretary of Administration, Grindly Johnson, and the Commonwealth’s Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Janice Underwood, to kick off conversations on ONE Virginia. An Agency Head conference call is scheduled for March 29 and all state employees are invited to a town hall scheduled for March 31. So far, about 3,000 employees have registered to attend the town hall. If you can’t attend the town hall, you can go online to access and read all about the ONE Virginia mission and corresponding plan.
The ONE Virginia Plan has five main goals:
- Recruit and retain a diverse workforce.
- Create and sustain an agency culture that affirms and respects diversity and employs inclusive practices throughout daily operations.
- Engage the workforce in learning the concepts of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and the importance of these concepts to achieving their agency mission.
- Create and sustain an organizational infrastructure to support accountability in achieving equity goals within the agency and the Commonwealth.
- Focus community engagement activities on those that provide measurable, direct, equitable, and sustained benefit to all of Virginia’s diverse communities.
Each agency is required to develop their ONE Virginia plan. These plans will guide our collective actions in the delivery of goods, services, policies, and practices that advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It is only through our collective efforts that we will make the Commonwealth of Virginia a model of Inclusive Excellence. I encourage you to take the time to read and learn more about ONE Virginia.
Workforce Management
FY 2022 Proposed Salary Increases
Great news for state employees! The General Assembly is recommending a 5% statewide salary increase for eligible salaried employees and an 8% increase for sworn employees of the Virginia State Police effective June 10, 2021. The recommendation also includes a targeted compression adjustment for sworn employees of the Virginia State Police, and a December 2021 bonus for sworn law enforcement employees and corrections officers. More...
Alternative Selection Process for Individuals with a Disability
Signed by the Governor, HB 2140 will establish an alternative application process for the Commonwealth. In the coming months, DHRM, in partnership with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, will establish a work group to create an alternative application process for the employment of persons with a disability. More...
Death in Service Toolkit in Development
An employee’s death while in active state service is one of the most stressful experiences faced by human resource professionals. It’s a difficult time for family members and colleagues and an abundance of uncommon questions and action items can arise. To help manage these events, and to bring forward effective best practices that support all of those affected in a sensitive and timely fashion, DHRM is developing a Death in Service Toolkit. More...
Remote Work Education Needs
Although approximately 22% of employees in telework eligible positions have traditionally worked remotely some of the time, over the past year a significant number of state employees have transitioned to a remote work environment in a full-time capacity due to COVID-19. As agencies create strategies to support remote work now and in the future, DHRM would like to better understand agency educational and support needs for telework. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. More details...
Recruitment Management System RFP
DHRM has received approval for increased funding in the FY22 budget and is committed to the procurement of a new RMS solution for the Commonwealth. We are partnering with VITA on the proposed timeline for the project and anticipate the initiation of a new RFP later this spring. Look for updates in a future issue.
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For quick updates on the Adjunct Emergency Workforce, Virginia Management Fellows Program, and American Rescue Act, click here.
Plan Now for Virginia Public Service Week
The Commonwealth will be celebrating Virginia Public Service Week (VPSW) from May 3 - 7 this year, coinciding with National Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW). PSRW is in its 36th year of honoring those who serve our nation as federal, state, county, local and tribal government employees and connecting citizens with their government. It takes hard work and dedication to be a public servant. Look for some fun, interactive activities in the weeks ahead to recognize the contributions of employees at your agency. Their commitment does not go unseen, and appreciation is not limited to one week alone. More information is coming soon.
Employee Engagement Starts Before the First Day of Work
DHRM continues our focus to support the needs of the Commonwealth to attract and retain top talent and its commitment to fair employment hiring and pay. Agencies should continue their ongoing efforts to enhance the Commonwealth employment brand and improve recruiting success. More...
Celebrate Volunteer Week and Month this April! | Volunteering in Virginia
From April 18 through 24, organizations across the country will be celebrating National Volunteer Week and have been doing so since a presidential proclamation in 1974. April became National Volunteer Month as part of President George H. W. Bush’s 1000 Points of Light campaign in 1991. Virginians are no strangers when it comes to neighbors helping neighbors: 34% volunteer, and the Commonwealth has the second highest military veteran volunteer rate in the nation. Learn more..
Submitting Elections for Open Enrollment - May 3-17
As we continue to deal with COVID-19, please encourage employees to visit EmployeeDirect or use the fillable enrollment form on the DHRM website for submitting elections during Spring 2021 health benefits and flexible spending account (FSA) Open Enrollment. The form will also be included in the Open Enrollment packages mailed to home addresses of eligible employees and non-Medicare retirees this year. While an electronic signature or printed name on the form is permitted, it is the Benefits Administrator’s or HR office’s responsibility to ensure that a signature is obtained from the participant for their permanent record. More...
Virginia529@work Webinar: Help Employees Learn How to Save for Future Education Expenses
Virginia529@work will host a webinar on Tuesday, May 4, from 12:00–1:00 p.m. Webinar participants will learn about 529s, why financial wellness education at work is important, and how employers can have a positive impact by helping employees learn how to save for future education expenses with Virginia529. Please join the webinar! Register or contact Merrill Milani to learn more.
Comings and Goings...
Office of Contracts and Finance: Please join DHRM in welcoming Patrice Elliott, our new Chief Financial Officer. A native of Richmond, she has worked for numerous state agencies, including Virginia Department of Fire Programs, Department of Historic Resources, Virginia Department of Transportation, Office of the Attorney General, State Board of Elections, and Department of General Services. She also has local government experience with the City of Richmond and the City of Petersburg, where she served as Finance Director. Prior to her time in government, Patrice worked for a large financial consulting firm among other private companies. She is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor. Welcome, Patrice!
Office of Information Technology: Farewell to John Hein, ELearning Coordinator/Instructor, as he leaves DHRM to expand his E-learning Career with the Virginia Department of Social Services. During his time here, John made an impact with the agency by creating training, providing E-learning support and sharing his E-learning knowledge. John, we will miss you, and wish you and your family good luck! |