March 2024
This week, VDEM is once again partnering with the National Weather Service to promote Severe Weather Awareness Week. The week is designed to refresh, remind, and educate everyone about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them. It’s also a great time to make and practice your emergency plan!
Each day during the week, a different topic will be covered and shared on social media. The information shared will be preparedness tips and ways to stay safe during severe weather. This year we have NEW video content to share, with compelling stories and first-hand accounts from around Virginia.
Topic by day:
Watch vs Warning
Severe Thunderstorms (Hail, Lightning, and Wind)
Flash Flooding
Outdoor Weather Safety
Statewide Tornado Drill
Every school, business, workplace, and family across the commonwealth is strongly encouraged to participate in the statewide tornado drill also happening this week, which is a way for all Virginians to practice what they'd do in an actual tornado.
The drill will be broadcast on NOAA Weather Radio and the Emergency Alert System via the Required Monthly Test (RMT) on Thursday, March 7, at 9:45am. There WILL NOT be an actual Tornado Warning issued.
Most NOAA Weather Radio receivers (including the Midland WR-100 that many schools have) DO NOT sound an audible alert for the RMT product, but instead, may have a blinking light on the display to indicate that an RMT was received. As such, when the RMT for the statewide tornado drill is initiated at 9:45 AM on Thursday, March 7, 2024, there’s a good chance that your NOAA Weather Radio will not automatically sound an alarm.
There will be no follow-up statements issued by the NWS to mark the end of the statewide tornado drill. It will simply be over when your group, school, business, organization, or family feels that you have adequately practiced your tornado shelter procedures.
There's still time to register for the Statewide Tornado Drill! You can do it HERE.
 In recognition of caregivers’ dedication and commitment to those in their care, FEMA and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) have created the Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers to help them navigate unique challenges that may arise during disasters.
Caregivers are unsung heroes. This becomes especially true for those who carry out their duties before, during, and in the immediate aftermath of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other extreme weather events. People with disabilities or other access and function needs, such as older adults, face a disproportionately higher likelihood of abandonment, additional injury, and death during disasters.
When forced to evacuate, relocate to emergency shelters, or find temporary housing, care recipients and caregivers require support and services that meet them where they are and account for unmet needs. FEMA is pleased to announce The Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers, a new guide that focuses on the lived experience of caregivers who often serve as a lifeline for others, whether the skies are blue or gray.
There are three essential steps that can help caregivers feel more prepared and in control when disaster strikes:
Assessing needs - Preparedness starts with considering the many tasks a caregiver performs as a matter of routine, such as hygiene care, meal preparation, routine medical assistance, and prescription drug management.
Engaging a support network - Caregivers also need care. Thinking through access to systems of support, especially if displaced, and the stress of keeping a care recipient safe and healthy are important.
Creating a plan - Recovering from a disaster begins with seeing preparedness as the first response to a disaster. By making an emergency plan, tracking alerts and updates, and keeping a checklist of everything a care recipient would need in the event a disaster disrupts the daily routine, caregivers become the true “first” responder.
FEMA is committed to ensuring people with disabilities and other access and functional needs can recover from disasters. I thank our nation’s caregivers for the role they play in helping FEMA meet that mission.
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, we are pleased to announce that the Cybersecurity Plan Capability Assessment project is now open and accepting applications. For more information and to access the application, please visit VITA’s website.
This assessment represents the Commonwealth’s first project as part of the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP), a federal grant program, which was established to address cybersecurity risks and threats to information systems owned or operated by, or on behalf of, state, local, or tribal governments. The SLCGP is administered at the state level by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM).
The capability assessments will allow your organization, if it meets eligibility requirements, to determine baseline cybersecurity capabilities as compared to the standards outlined in the Cybersecurity Plan. The capability assessment will also provide you with recommendations for addressing any identified gaps, and important support for future SLCGP project applications.
The Cybersecurity Plan Capability Assessment project is a state-managed award, conducted by VITA. That means for this project applicants will not need to provide any funding, become a sub-grantee, seek reimbursement after completing the work, or manage federal grant paperwork, reporting, or compliance requirements. All you are required to do is submit a completed application, sign a local consent agreement, and then participate in the assessment.
Application information
The application is available to complete and submit online. Applications are due by close of business April 12, 2024.
When you apply, make sure to have the following information readily available:
- Number of locations with technology assets (approximate);
- Estimated IT budget -or- estimated number of technology assets (workstations, servers, etc.);
- Estimated number of end users.
In addition to providing this information, you’ll be asked for contact information for yourself, and optionally for several other members of your organization. As part of the application, you’ll be asked to sign a consent agreement, authorizing VITA to spend federal grant dollars on behalf of your organization.
Should you have any questions about the program or the application, or need support submitting the application, please contact Please see below for a few frequently asked questions, along with a link to the state and federal websites for more information.
What is the Commonwealth of Virginia Cybersecurity Plan?
The Commonwealth of Virginia Cybersecurity Plan’s vision, developed by the Virginia Cybersecurity Planning Committee, is to create a cybersecurity ecosystem supporting a whole of state approach for state and local governments to safeguard critical infrastructure, protect Virginians’ data, and ensure the continuity of essential services.
To achieve this vision, the plan defines actionable and measurable goals and objectives to establish and enhance the cybersecurity capabilities of state, local, and tribal government entities in Virginia. Through leveraging of shared capabilities, strategic planning, and common technology, the Commonwealth of Virginia strives to efficiently and effectively protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical systems, data, and services that benefit Virginians.
What is the Cybersecurity Plan Capability Assessment Project?
The Cybersecurity Plan Capability Assessment project represents the first project that eligible entities may apply for as part of the federal State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP). Unlike some federal grants, this specific project is available to eligible entities at no direct cost to them – VITA will pay for and manage all grant aspects of the assessment using the SLCGP funding. The VCPC wants to keep this project as straight forward for the eligible entities as possible.
Who is eligible to apply for the Cybersecurity Plan Capability Assessment Project?
Eligible applications for this program must meet the definition of “local government” as defined in 6 U.S.C. § 101(13):
- County, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, intrastate district, council of governments (regardless of whether the council of governments is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under State law), regional or interstate government entity, or agency or instrumentality of a local government
- A public educational institution (e.g., elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education) is generally eligible to receive assistance under SLCGP if it is an agency or instrumentality of a state or local government under state and/or local law.
- Federally recognized tribe or authorized tribal organization.
- Rural community, unincorporated town or village, or other public entity.
What is Box Sign?
Box Sign is the Box enterprise content management’s solution to electronic signatures (e-signature). Box Sign allows users to request and apply electronic signatures to files while also providing automated messaging and detailed record keeping throughout the signature process.
Box Sign has been approved by Commonwealth Security to store and transmit sensitive data, including personally identifiable information (PII), with internal and external stakeholders.
Where can I learn more?
For more information about Virginia’s program, visit: Grant Programs | Virginia IT Agency. For more information about the federal grant program, visit: State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program | CISA.
Henrico County Emergency Management and Workplace Safety and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grant management workshop in Henrico, VA - March 25-26, 2024. This in-person training is for grant recipient organizations across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to administer government grants and stay in compliance with applicable rules and regulations.
For event details visit:
Beginning and experienced grant managers, grant writers and administrators from city, county and state agencies, healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.
Tuition is $545 and includes Grant Writing USA's 500-page grant management workbook and reference guide. Please use the code "Referral" at the time of registration to receive this $50 discount.
All health and safety guidelines will be followed. Online reservations are necessary. Payment is not required at the time of registration.
Complete event details including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration are available here.
*training opportunity provided by Grant Writing USA, which is not affiliated with VDEM
 Flood Awareness Week is March 10-16, 2024. Learn more.
Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. Make sure you know your risk and you're prepared.
You can’t control the weather, but you can prepare for it.
Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster, but only 3% of Virginians have flood insurance. It is estimated that 1 inch of water in a home can cause upwards of $25,000 in damages. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation encourages Virginians to learn about their flood risk and protect the life they’ve built with flood insurance.
Know Your Risk
Flooding — whether from hurricanes, rain events, or storm surge — is the most common and costly natural disaster, but most Virginians aren't prepared. Finding out if you live in a high-risk flood zone is as easy as entering an address on the Virginia Flood Risk Information System.
Floods don’t just hit coastal Virginia. In 2021, the remnants of Hurricane Ida caused devastating floods and mudslides in Buchanan County. In 2018, Hurricanes Florence and Michael tore through central and western areas of the state. During Hurricane Michael, the Dan River region alone suffered roughly $12.9 million in damages. Floods aren’t limited to mapped flood risk areas either. In fact, many of the 2,000 homes that were flooded in 2016 during Hurricane Matthew were outside the mapped floodplain.
Flooding doesn't only occur during hurricanes or named storms. In recent years, western Virginia communities had severe flooding after experiencing heavy rain, requiring some residents to be rescued from their homes and resulting in damaged buildings and road closures.
Tides can also impact flood risk, and not just along the coast. Tidal waters extend inland to places like Richmond and Fredericksburg, as well as north, like Alexandria and Arlington. The Virginia Institute of Marine Science developed Tidewatch, a map that forecasts water levels to help visualize the magnitude and impacts of coastal flooding. Learn more about sea level forecasts through ADAPTVA.
Get Flood Insurance
All homes have some flood risk yet only 3% of Virginians have flood insurance.
According to the National Flood Insurance Program, 1 inch of flooding can cause upwards of $25,000 in damages to a home. That’s a cost few Virginians can afford.
Homeowners and renters insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. Because it takes 30 days for flood insurance policies to go into effect, it’s important to plan ahead. Buy flood insurance now, so that your property is covered. Contact an insurance agent or visit to discuss options.