This communication is being sent to Cardinal Financials users with Accounts Receivable roles. |
Cardinal has released an all-new Accounts Receivable (AR) Web-Based Training (WBT), now available on the Cardinal website. This course is recommended as a foundational course for users with Accounts Receivable roles in Cardinal. |
AR120 Billing and Accounts Receivable Overview Web-Based Training (WBT)
This self-paced course, located on the Cardinal website > Learning > Web-Based Training (FIN), covers the Accounts Receivable functional area in Cardinal and features five focused learning modules, varying from 2 to 6 minutes. Participants will be introduced to key processes in both the Billing and the Accounts Receivable Funds Receipts modules, including integration with other Cardinal functional areas and interfaces with other systems.
Click the button below to access the training.
The Cardinal Team
![Text bubble with question mark](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VACARDINAL/2023/11/8549025/questions_original.png) |
Questions |
If you have technical or functional questions, submit a help desk ticket by emailing vccc@vita.virginia.gov and include the following information:
Subject: Cardinal – <brief summary for routing>
Email Content:
- Detailed information about your issue (i.e., functional area, page, actions, error)
- Name, email address, and best contact phone number
Cardinal - Virginia's Enterprise Resource System
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