Cardinal is pleased to announce the PY361_Additional Pay Mass Upload template has been enhanced with four new fields. These new fields enable general and benefit deductions to be set up specific to the additional pay type during the mass upload process, eliminating the need for manual online entry.
New Fields: PY361_Additional Pay Mass Upload Template
The following new fields have been added to the end of the template:
- Benefit Deduction
- Benefit Deduction Subset
- General Deduction
- General Deduction Subset
This functionality is particularly useful when benefit and/or general deductions need to be overwritten for the specific Additional Pay being processed. For instance, these fields are often used with the AJT (adjunct faculty) earnings code when agencies have faculty who are receiving multiple payments (i.e., teaching multiple classes) and want to avoid general deductions being applied multiple times.
The corresponding fields in Cardinal are located on the Additional Pay page under the Tax Information section as shown in the red box in the image below. Click the caret symbol beside Tax Information to expand and view this section of Additional Pay.