Required Field Updates:
Workers' Compensation Code (Workers'_COMP_CD)
- This field will now be required for all positions within Cardinal HCM.
- When creating a new or updating an existing position, you must ensure the Workers' Compensation Code field is populated with a valid value before saving.
- When creating or updating a position via the HR006 interface, a valid Workers' Compensation Code (position 196-199) must be provided. Leaving the field blank or providing an invalid value will result in an error, and the transaction will not be processed.
- A list of valid Workers'' Compensation Code values is available at'comp/payrollcodes.
US Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) Code (US_SOC_CD)
- This field will be required for all Virginia Personnel Act (VPA) and Agency Head positions (where the SAL_ADMIN_PLAN = AH, SW, or NV) within Cardinal HCM.
- When creating or updating a VPA or Agency Head position, you must ensure the US SOC Code field is populated with a valid value before saving.
- When creating or updating a VPA or Agency Head position via the HR006 interface, a valid US SOC Code (position 170-184) must be provided. Leaving the field blank or submitting an invalid value will result in an error, and the transaction will not be processed.
Note: For non-VPA agencies, if the Agency Head position is ungraded (i.e., where SAL_ADMIN_PLAN = UG), the US SOC Code requirement will not be applicable to the position.
A list of valid US SOC Code values is available in the HR351: Overview of US SOC and Job Code Combinations job aid (excel) posted to the Cardinal website > Learning > Job Aids for agency use.