This communication is being sent to all invitees and attendees of the Cardinal HCM FY24 Legislative Salary Increase Refresher Forum held Tuesday, November 14, 2023.
Thank you for attending the Cardinal HCM: Legislative Salary Increase Refresher Forum on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. Coordinate with your agency as you take your next step. |
Using the Legislative Salary Increase Tool?
Use the support resources below and pay close attention to the Refresh schedule:
System Block, System Notes, and changes to salaries amounts will be refreshed on the following schedule, to reflect relevant data changes.
First Refresh
Thursday, 11/16/2023
8:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Second Refresh
Tuesday, 11/21/2023
8:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Third Refresh
Tuesday, 11/28/2023
8:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Fourth Refresh
Thursday, 11/30/2023
8:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Final Refresh
IMPORTANT: Changes keyed after this date will not remove system blocks. Salary changes entered after this date will cause increases to fail during load!
Tuesday, 12/05/2023
8:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Refresh Cycle
Opting Out?
Agencies who prefer to enter the December increases into Cardinal HCM via interface, mass upload, or manually keying, must Opt Out of using the Legislative Salary Increase Tool in Cardinal HCM, use the job aid below for instructions.
Cardinal Resources
Cardinal has updated the HR351_Using the Legislative Salary Increase Tool job aid for this Statewide Salary increase.
As a supplement to the information provided in the DHRM memo, a copy of the forum presentation and a recording of the meeting can be accessed by clicking the buttons below.
The Cardinal Team
Submit a help desk ticket by emailing vccc@vita.virginia.gov and include the following information:
Subject: Cardinal - <brief summary for routing>
Email content:
- Detailed information about your issue (i.e., functional area, page, actions, error)
- Name, email address, and best contact phone number
Cardinal - Virginia's Enterprise Resource System
You are receiving this email as a result of the role(s) you hold in the Cardinal System.