Continuous State Service Date
As you know, the Commonwealth experiences significant inter-agency employee transfer activity. When an employee separates from one agency and is hired at another, a new employment record must be created in Cardinal. The effective date of each new employment record is always the hire date for the new agency.
When there is no break in service, HR Administrators must manage and track continuous service (formerly PMIS state begin date) in the Continuous State Service field on the Employment Data page. HR Administrators can view historical employment data from other agencies by clicking on the Job History icon on the Job Data, Work Location page.
For more information regarding the various date fields in Job Data, please refer to the following HR351 job aids:
Access to the different pages available in Cardinal HCM depends on the roles that were assigned to you by your agency. It is important to verify your security access is correct by validating you can navigate to the necessary pages for performing your HR Administrator functions.
Tagging important pages as "Favorites" can help make your job easier by allowing quick navigation to those that are frequently used. Refer to the NAV205: Navigation Tips job aid for instructions on how to favorite a page. The following pages are recommended for saving as favorites:
- Navigator > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Modify a Person
- Navigator > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person
- Navigator > Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
- Navigator > Organizational Development > Position Management >Maintain Positions/Budgets > Manage Position
- Navigator > Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Create Additional Pay
- Navigator > Workforce Development > Rwd and Recogn Maintenance
- Navigator > Workforce Development > Performance Management > Performance Ratings
You can also add any report or query you use frequently to your favorites by clicking the ‘Favorite’ hyperlink in Cardinal. Once a query has been marked as a favorite, it will always display on the Query Viewer page so you will not have to search for it! Use the following job aids to step through how to run a query and/or report.
- NAV225_Running an HCM Query
- NAV225_Generating an HCM Report