RAFT Trainings and Consultations


RAFT Trainings and Consultations


RAFT, The Regional Older Adults Facility Mental Health Support Team, has been supporting older adults with mental illness and dementia for almost 15 years, assisting older adults achieve and maintain successful community-based placements! Also, part of the RAFT mission is to provide free trainings and consultations in Assisted living communities and nursing homes, as well as to interested individuals and groups in the community. Trainings and consultations strengthen and increase the community’s skill, knowledge base and confidence in serving this high-risk population.

RAFT teaches skills through free trainings on a range of topics including behavioral and mental health challenges in older adults. RAFT can create a customized training for your organizational needs. Some training topics include:

Anxiety and Depression

Dementia and Challenging Behaviors

Mental Health: What is It

Suicide Assessment and Prevention in Older Adults

Difficult Resident or Personality Disorder

PTSD – How to work with it

Bullying in Older Adults

Care Givers Training

Aging Issues: Managing Loss             


RAFT is also available to provide free consultation services. The RAFT team will thoroughly analyze the challenging behaviors, provide proven interventions and a plan of action.

Consider a consultation when a resident or loved one experiences:

Agitation, anger, verbal aggression

Withdrawal from social interaction

Paranoia and accusatory behavior

Refusing care and medications

Unusual behaviors

Changes in behavior or emotional state

Self-injurious behavior or threats of self-harm


If you are interested in arranging a training or consultation, please contact Ndidi Uzowihe at Nuzowihe@arlingtonva.us 



RAFT logo

Innovative Geriatric
Mental Health Services


The RAFT program provides intensive mental health services to individuals in Long Term Care Facilities, as well as education, training and consultations for Long Term Care Communities, Community Providers and others in the community to develop the skills and knowledge base to successfully understand and work with individuals with Mental Health and Dementia Diagnoses.


Contact Shandia Johnson at sjohnson@arlingtonva.us or at  703-531-2144.


7611 Little River Turnpike
Suite 200
Annandale, VA 22003

Phone: 703-531-2144
TTY: 703-228-1788
