Emotional Wellness Month

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Emotional Wellness Month


October focuses on Emotional Wellness Month. While taking stock of our stress levels, it’s an excellent time to make some changes too.

Let’s Talk about Stress

Stress comes into all our lives in varying amounts and our emotional health can take a toll. However, noting the causes of our stress helps identify the biggest offenders so we can stop them.

Ways to Assess the Stress

  • Are you grateful? Emotionally healthy people feel grateful for their lives and for all the goodness they experience. They’re appreciative of what they do have rather than focusing on what they do not have. They usually count all their life’s blessings, and this does not always pertain to money or material objects, but rather, relates to more spiritual aspects of their lives.
  • Calculate screen time. In this digital world, the amount of time we spend online impacts our emotional health. We are bombarded by data, news, and alerts constantly. Consider reducing the amount of time spent in front of the screen. One way to reduce online and screen time is to unplug one day a week. Use the time to read a book or go for a walk. Rate your emotional wellness before and after your unplugged time.  

  • Assess resources available to you.  Many organizations offer free tools and resources to help manage emotional wellness.  These benefits provide substantial relief when life seems upside down.

    National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)


  • Remember the relationships in your life.  This is a big one. Friends, family and even co-workers play a huge role in our emotional health. They improve our social and spiritual wellbeing by keeping us connected. Human beings thrive on social interactions. Our friends and family provide a strong support system we rely upon and without them, we feel isolated.
  • Pay attention to your physical health. Keep up with routine health checks. Also, add healthy eating habits and increase physical activity to reduce overall anxiety. Something simple as a 30 min walk can improve your emotional health.

By improving our emotional health, we are more likely to surf through the highs and lows in life more successfully.

Adapted from What is Emotional Wellness? by Dr. Diana Raab and Emotional Wellness Month, NationalDayCalendar.com

National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)





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Innovative Geriatric
Mental Health Services


The RAFT program provides intensive mental health services to individuals in Long Term Care Facilities, as well as education, training and consultations for Long Term Care Communities, Community Providers and others in the community to develop the skills and knowledge base to successfully understand and work with individuals with Mental Health and Dementia Diagnoses.


7611 Little River Turnpike
Suite 200
Annandale, VA 22003

Phone: 703-531-2144
TTY: 703-228-1788
