Plan Lee Highway: April 2019 Newsletter

Plan Lee Highway

April 2019 Newsletter

Latest News

  • The Kick-off Meetings Summary Report is now available. The summary includes feedback provided during January/February kick-off meetings, where over 200 community members reviewed principles from 2016 Visioning Study and preliminary goals for the planning process. Visit the study website to view the report and learn more.
  • The Working Group met with County staff on March 21 and discussed a variety of topics, including the roles of the Working Group and Community Forum during the planning process, the community engagement strategy and upcoming schedule for Phase 1 of the planning effort. A meeting summary has been posted to the study website. 
  • We're hitting the radio airwaves! Tune in to “This Sold House” on WERA 96.7, Wednesday, April 10 at 9 A.M. to hear more about Plan Lee Highway.

Notes From the Design Studio

  • The Plan Lee Highway Design Studio is open every other Friday as a drop-in format from 12 - 3:30 p.m. at the Lee Highway Alliance offices, 4620 Lee Highway, Suite 208.
  • The studio is an informal opportunity for residents, business owners, community member and other Lee Highway stakeholders to view the latest study materials, meet with project planners, ask questions and share ideas. We hope to see you there!
  • Coming soon: We plan to invite subject matter experts on specific dates to the studio to provide in-depth insight on various planning elements. Have a topic you'd like an expert to join the studio for? Let us know!

Looking Ahead

  • The planning team is working to finalize an Existing Conditions Report that will examine the study area across nine key planning elements and serve as a resource moving forward.
  • The County Manager-appointed Working Group and Community Forum will meet in the coming months. In May and June, the Working Group will meet to discuss the initial draft findings of the Existing Conditions Report and learn more about the land use scenario methodology that will be used in the planning process. The Community Forum will meet in July to discuss the report and methodology to help prepare for broader discussion with more stakeholders in the fall.
  • Focus group meetings will be held throughout the process to foster small group discussions on specific topics, issues, geography, or neighborhood areas. Let us know if you would like to be invited to a future focus group and which Plan Lee Highway goals are of most interest to you.
  • An overview of the process timeline and targeted milestones for Phase 1 have been posted to the study website on the process, scope and timeline page

How Can You Stay Involved?



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