603 - Weber State University - McKay Dee Hospital Detour Update
Utah Transit Authority sent this bulletin at 04/22/2021 09:00 AM MDTDue to road work, Route 603 will use 24th Street between Adams Ave and Quincy Ave in both directions. The stops on 25th St at 569 E, 602 E, 793 E, and 806 E will not be serviced. Regular stops will be available at 2512 S Adams Ave and 1021 E 25th St for southbound/eastbound buses, and at 1012 E 25th St and 2515 S Adams Ave for northbound/westbound buses. End date is unknown at this time.
For more information call 801-743-3882, or download the Transit app at www.transitapp.com/download to track your bus.
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