What's new in the VHA Office of Health Equity?

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November 9, 2016

As We Observe Veterans Day, the Office of Health Equity Releases New Training Modules for Increasing Competency of Veteran Health Equity Issues

The VA Office of Health Equity (OHE) has released two new training modules to assist VA clinicians, non-clinicians, Veterans, and stakeholders in understanding the importance of assessing, and increasing competency, of health equity issues for Veterans. Training scenarios for each module are based on healthcare experiences of Veterans collected by OHE over the years. The intent is for users to hear the voices of vulnerable Veterans, learn about their experiences, and use this knowledge to reflect on everyday interactions between staff and vulnerable patients.

Veteran faces

Determinants of Health and Healthcare for All Employees (VA TMS 31060) provides an awareness of Veteran populations that are at risk for health disparities, factors that put them at risk, and what you can do within your area of influence to move toward attaining the highest level of health for Veterans.


Lucille F., 54, Routine Check-Up (VA TMS 31062) provides an interactive example of incorporating social determinants of health in the delivery of patient-focused care.

Currently, these training modules are available on the VA Talent Management System, which is only accessible for VA employees. However, efforts are underway to make these trainings available widely.

Please visit http://www.va.gov/HEALTHEQUITY/Tools.asp for a listing of Veteran related health equity tools.

November Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar – Postponed

The November session of the Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar series has been postponed for a future date to be announced. Please join the Office of Health Equity for other exciting sessions scheduled throughout fiscal year 2017. Please visit http://www.va.gov/HEALTHEQUITY/FHEA_Cyberseminar.asp for dates and topics for past and future sessions of the Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar series.

Would you like to nominate a Veteran health equity topic for a future Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar? Email the Office of Health Equity at healthequity@va.gov. We look forward to hearing from you.

Archive Available of October’s Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar Session

In case you missed it, the archive of October’s Focus on Health Equity and Action Cyberseminar featuring the release of the inaugural National Veteran Health Equity Report is now available. The National Veteran Health Equity Report is designed to provide basic comparative information on the sociodemographics, utilization patterns and rates of diagnosed health conditions among groups over which the VHA Office of Health Equity has responsibility. Visit http://www.hsrd.research.va.gov/for_researchers/cyber_seminars/archives/video_archive.cfm?SessionID=1234 for the archived video and handouts.