- VAIRRS Distribution Subscription List
- VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey
- Dashboards
Study Team Tracking Wizard Completion Campaign: Success Rate
The Study Team Tracking Wizard completion rate is currently at 27%. Please continue to work with site administrators to ensure your site's wizards have been submitted.
The VAIRRS governance boards voted to develop an Administrative Checklist Wizard and Continuing Review/Closure Wizard. The Administrative Checklist will be the first board-facing wizard and will support administrative review. We will keep you updated on our progress over the summer. Email the VAIRRS Support Team at VAIRRS@va.gov for more information or if you would like to participate in the development process.
VAIRRS Distribution Subscription List
VAIRRS has launched a new VAIRRS Distribution Subscription List, which will serve as the primary method to receive VAIRRS training announcements, surveys, and data-specific emails outside of the newsletters and program updates. With the launch of the subscription list, VAIRRS is retiring the Microsoft Outlook contact groups: VAIRRSAdministrators@va.gov and VAIRRSendusers@va.gov.
Please update your subscription using the VAIRRS Distribution Subscription List today. Select your VAMC and "subscribe to VAIRRS email."
Note: This subscription list does not include subscriptions to VAIRRS newsletters or other ORD news.
Please complete the VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey by Wednesday, July 26, 2024. We request that individuals in the following roles at all VA research sites to please complete this survey:
- Associate Chief of Staff (ACOS)
- Administrative Officer (AO)
- Administrative staff
The data collected will help shape the future of the VAIRRS program as we continue to enhance our services and support for all VA research sites.
A targeted email was sent to administrators at all sites on June 3, 2024. If you did not receive the email, please click the button below, “Complete Survey.” Also, be sure to update the VAIRRS Distribution subscription list, so that you can receive important surveys and updates in the future.
The dashboard team just rolled out the "Data Curation" page on the Field Staff Reporting (FSR) Dashboard. This page includes data validation requirements for the project status of various boards, IRB project risk levels, and projects approaching an expiration date. You can access this new page using the left-hand navigation section. The "Data Curation" page is intended to provide the data and tools for each VAIRRS site to ensure the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of a program’s data. For any issues or discrepancies needing resolution from VA Central IRB or other groups outside of your purview, please reach out to VAIRRS@va.gov.
Secondly, the "Site Audit" page is now under review by several VAIRRS sites. It can be used to quickly find relevant information that may be required for a site audit. If you would like to assist in the feedback process for this new page, please also reach out to VAIRRS@va.gov.
The new Data Curation Email Notification shares the data reported on the Data Curation page of the FSR Dashboard. This notification was sent to all VAMCs on Tuesday, June 18. Please forward these emails to any necessary points of contact for their information and rectification. To be included in these emails going forward, subscribe to the VAIRRS Distribution Subscription List. |
During the May Change Control Board (CCB) meeting, the following requests were approved.
May CCB Meeting Updates
Summary of Changes
3.81L Director Support Letter for Prisoner Research
The numbering convention of the form was updated from 3.8L to 3.19L to correct a typo.
3.5A RDC Non-Veteran Application
Removed Section 3: Investigator Signature from the MS word and PDF versions of the 3.5A RDC Non-Veteran Application form.
7.2A Combined ICF Form and HIPAA Authorization Template
Language under the section, "WHAT ARE THE COSTS TO ME IF I TAKE PART IN THIS STUDY," was updated as follows: from "You will not be charged for any treatments or procedures..." to "You or your insurance will not be charged for any treatments or procedures..."
7.3A Informed Consent Template
The IRBNet Library Access Instructions document has been replaced with the new Standard Form Library Access Instructions User Guide. This updated guide is now available on the VAIRRS website, as well as the Standard Form Library within the VAIRRS SharePoint and IRBNet. |
COI Module
VAIRRS is planning to host a COI summer training series to support investigators and study teams on the use of VAIRRS to document COI per VHA DIRECTIVE 1200.13. Look out for more information in the coming weeks.
This month, VAIRRS University added the VAIRRS FSR Dashboard training video series. This series consists of five micro-training videos designed to help VA field staff navigate and access data for active projects.
ORR has exciting news for the VA research community. As indicated in the March VAIRRS update, ORR is developing a series of information security instructions to support the research community. To continue the series, ORR developed a one-page quick reference guide (QRG) that informs research teams about common ORR findings that result in delays in the centralized information security review (CISR) process. The QRG instructs researchers on topics such as when CISR is required and what changes require ORR review.
In addition to the QRG, ORR developed an information sheet that describes the pilot ORR completed with the National Cancer Institute and VA Interagency Group to Accelerate Trials Enrollment (NAVIGATE) Program, which was showcased in last month's newsletter. VHA programs interested in establishing a similar arrangement with ORR can use the information sheet to get an idea of what is required.
Both documents are available to VAIRRS users through VAIRRS University.
The VAIRRS Mentor Program currently has four team members from various roles across VA providing mentorship, with the ability to support more mentees.
If you are interested in getting help from a fellow VAIRRS user or becoming a VAIRRS mentor, access the mentee/mentor applications via the VAIRRS Mentor Program SharePoint page. Applications for mentees are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Applications for mentors are accepted on an ongoing basis until all slots are filled.
The VA Electronic Determination Aid (VAEDA) is available for all VA facilities. You can access VAEDA here.
VAIRRS Webinars
Topic: VAIRRS Monthly Webinar: Standard "Multi-Site" and "Co-Investigator at a Different Site" Processes
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM EDT
Purpose: Join the June feature of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar to learn more about the standard "multi-site" and "co-investigator at a different site" processes. The VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series offers expert advice, training, demonstrations, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around VAIRRS.
Lead Presenter: Jessica Kroll, VA Central IRB Administrator
Note: We are now providing our Trainings in MS Teams, you no longer have to register to join an event, please hold the date/time.
What do you think of our monthly newsletter/program update?
Reminder: All committee administrators should be included in the VAIRRS administrators distribution group. Email VAIRRS@va.gov to let us know if anyone at your site should be added to the distribution group. |
Thank you,
VAIRRS Support Team