- Wizard Updates
- VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey
- ORPP&E Standard Form Library Updates
Study Team Tracking (STT) Wizard: As of April 10, 2024, study teams who previously completed an STT Wizard will be required to re-enter the first and last names of all "Additional Personnel" the next time they revise the STT Wizard.
Note, this is a one-time occurrence that will prompt users to revise their STT Wizard the first time they return to their existing STT Wizard following this update.
For any study team that completed the STT Wizard before the Wizard update on the evening of April 10, 2024: When you open the "Additional Project Personnel" page, all names of previously entered personnel on this page will be blank. However, the rest of each person's entry is still completed (contact information, duties, etc.). To know which person's name to fill in the two new fields, scroll down to the "VA email" field, which should identify the correct name. Another option would be to download the previously submitted STT Wizard from Designer and use it to re-enter the names of the additional personnel.
New Wizards! VAIRRS, in joint effort between the VAIRRS Strategic Advisory Council (VSAC) and the VAIRRS Change Control Board (CCB), is developing a Continuing Review Wizard and Administrative Checklist Wizard. The Administrative Checklist Wizard aims to collect board-approved data elements. The Continuing Review Wizard will mimic the existing 7.13A Continuing Review Application. We will continue to provide updates as we progress through the development process.
VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey
The Office of Research & Development (ORD) leadership is looking to assess the field's level of confidence in the completeness and accuracy of the research data in VAIRRS. This survey will also collect pertinent information that will feed into VAIRRS strategy for 2024 – 2028. The VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey will serve as the mechanism to collect that data from the perspective of each VA research program.
Starting May 2024, the VAIRRS Support Team will begin distributing the VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey via email to research program administrators. More information will be provided in the upcoming newsletters and program updates.
Data Integrity Quarterly Email Notification
The VAIRRS Support Team is expanding the "Expired Projects Email Notification" email to include Project Status and IRB Project Risk Level discrepancies. Expect the new "Data Integrity" email format to launch in mid-June.
During the VAIRRS March CCB meeting, the following forms were updated/added to the ORPP&E Standard Form Library on IRBNet and on SharePoint. Additionally, STT and IRB Information Sheet Wizard changes submitted between September 2023 and February 2024 have been implemented and the updated Wizards are now available within IRBNet.
March CCB Meeting Updates
Summary of Changes
6.1A SRSS 10-0398
The checkboxes under Section 1 were re-positioned so they now appropriately align to their corresponding listed item.
We need your help in reviewing suggested changes to the following forms/letters. Please use the link(s) in the table below to review the proposed changes and send your feedback to the VAIRRS Support Team inbox at VAIRRS@va.gov.
Proposed Change(s)
3.3R RDC Initial Review Checklist
We received a request to add the following prompt to section 1, subsection D (i.e., Medical Center Director Approval and Certifications) within the 3.3R RDC Initial Review Checklist – "Please determine if staff indicated they received outside compensation for VA research in the Study Team Tracking Wizard and, if so, whether the Director or Chief of Staff (following proper delegation) approved the waiver for outside compensation."
4.1L IBC Initial Approval Letter
4.2L IBC 3 Year Approval Letter
We received a request to add the following statement to item no. 3 within both the 4.1L and 4.2L (i.e., replacing the existing no. 3, which will then become item no. 4) – "procedures at the BSL [x] level have been approved for this protocol."
The VA Electronic Determination Aid (VAEDA) is available for all VA facilities. You can access VAEDA here. VAEDA will be conducting a pilot to introduce the new approval workflow for "Not Research" projects. The kickoff webinar will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1, at 2PM ET. Contact VAEDAsupport@VA.gov for more information.
VAIRRS has added a new Project Closure and Withdrawal User Guide to assist administrators/submission coordinators in performing researcher-initiated closures, administrative closures, and withdrawing an erroneous packages. Users can access the new guide within VAIRRS University by selecting the "Administrator/Submission Coordinator" user role or navigating to the "VAIRRS User Guides" training material category.
To learn more about VAIRRS University, watch the recording of the VAIRRS University walk-through webinar, led by VAIRRS experts.
For questions about VAIRRS University, contact the VAIRRS Support Team at VAIRRS@va.gov.
Be on the lookout for the upcoming bulletin: "ORR Published Knowledge Base Articles in ServiceNow." The bulletin lists all the Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) focused on information security in research.
Research KBAs can be found on ServiceNow here.
As always, ORR can provide assistance on this, and other topics related to Enterprise Research Data Security Plans. Assistance requests or additional topics of interest can be sent to OISISPSSDCDORRRESEARCHREVIEWTEAM@va.gov.
The VAIRRS Dashboard Team will soon launch the new Site Audit page and Data Integrity page to identify flags for updates to the Project Status tool on various boards. Expect these new pages to be published by early May.
The VAIRRS Mentor Program currently has five team members from various roles across VA providing mentorship, with the ability to support more mentees.
If you are interested in getting help from a fellow VAIRRS user, access the mentee application via the VAIRRS Mentor Program SharePoint page. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
The ORD Focused Inquiry Navigation Database (FINDPro) tool helps users find information regarding ORD policy related to human, animal, and laboratory research protections. The latest FINDPro updates include:
- The removal of the "ASK ORD" button from the launch page. This allows users to search for information before asking a question, resulting in faster data capture. It also allows ORD to direct questions to the correct subject matter experts (SME) and collect information on hot topics to expand the knowledge base.
- The addition of new filters to search for document type, topic, and sort by publication date.
- Starting immediately, all users, with the exception of local research administrators and central office staff will be required to categorize their questions into a topic based on the question's content. Questions falling within the realm of research policy topics will be promptly routed to the appropriate SME for resolution. However, some topics lie outside the scope of our designated experts' knowledge. In such cases, users will receive guidance on alternative pathways to finding answers.
- More information related to the pre-question screening process can be found in the General User Guide and during our upcoming office hours.
Please note: the ePROS webpage is also undergoing changes and the URLs will soon be changing from ORPP&E to ePROS. In addition, some content will be reorganized to reflect the new structure of the enterprise transformation. When this happens, please resave your bookmarks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
VAIRRS Webinars
Topic: VAIRRS Data Webinar Series: Introduction to the VAIRRS Data Integrity Initiative
Date/Time: End of May (to be announced next month)
Purpose: Join the May feature of the new VAIRRS Data Series Webinar to learn more about the VAIRRS data integrity initiative and its potential impact on your program. The VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series offers expert advice, training, demonstrations, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around VAIRRS.
Lead Presenter: Angie Foster, ePROS Program Manager; VAIRRS Support Team
Link to register will be posted when available!
Reminder: All committee administrators should be included in the VAIRRS administrators distribution group. Email VAIRRS@va.gov to let us know if anyone at your site should be added to the distribution group. |
- VAIRRS Data Evaluation Survey
- May VAIRRS Ambassador
Thank you,
VAIRRS Support Team