- Wizard Updates
- ORPP&E Standard Form Library
- Dashboards
- Newsletter Survey
Reminder: The new Study Team Tracking (STT) wizard is available now in the IRBNet sandbox. The wizard outline is posted on the VAIRRS SharePoint portal under the ORPP&E Standard Form Library menu option. The personnel tracking data previously collected in the PCS wizard will be collected in the STT wizard. The Outside Compensation and Financial Conflict of Interest responses will be collected in the STT wizard.
Study teams will be required to complete the new STT wizard for new submissions and to report changes in study team members.
During the VAIRRS January Change Control Board (CCB) meeting, the following requests were approved. The documents listed in the table below will be updated and added to the ORPP&E Standard Form Library within IRBNet and the VAIRRS SharePoint by the end of the month. The VAIRRS February CCB meeting was held last week. Updates from the February meeting will be announced in the March newsletter.
January CCB Meeting Updates
Summary of Changes
7.24L IRB Disapproval Letter
New letter template made available in the IRB committee workspace.
7.1A Request for Waiver or Alteration of Informed Consent
Removed section VI, “Review by IRB”.
7.11R Request for Waiver or Alteration of Informed Consent Checklist
New companion checklist to the 7.1A specific to committee members/reviewers made available in the ORPP&E standard form library in SharePoint and IRBNet.
The dashboard team is working to update all columns that say “Project Status” to be “Board Status” in the FSR dashboard. In addition, please expect additional projects that have been labeled as “blank” with Board Status’ (currently labeled project status, and in IRBNet) to now be included in the dashboard. For example, if you initially had 150 active projects at a given time, you may see this number increase to 175.
The VAIRRS Mentor Program currently has six team members from various roles across VA providing mentorship, with a backlog of mentees awaiting the availability of a mentor.
We currently have 10 mentor vacancies. Please let us know if you would like to nominate a potential VAIRRS Mentor. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until all mentor slots are filled.
If you are interested in helping fellow VAIRRS users, you can access the mentor application via the VAIRRS Mentor Program SharePoint page.
Principal Investigator's (PI) concerned with sharing their or their team’s outside compensation with the rest of the team or the R&D committee can now use an alternative reporting solution, provided below.
Short-term workaround for existing projects:
- PIs may email (or some other method outside of VAIRRS) outside compensation information to ACOS or a designee within the research office
- ACOS can obtain approval from AO
- Committee Administrator may create a ‘Special Events’ package in the IRBNet R&DC workspace
- Committee Administrators can upload an approval memo as a Board Document and publish it as internal only
The R&DC is not required to review outside salaries for existing projects, therefore the submission of information can take place outside of VAIRRS. The workaround meets the requirement for posting the approval memo to the project file, and the only individuals with access to the salary information are the PI who submits, the ACOS, and the Authorizing Official. The R&DC members with access to the project will also have access to the internally published memo. If this is a concern, the Committee Administrator can remove all committee member access or just provide access to the Chair.
The VA Electronic Determination Aid (VAEDA) is available for all VA facilities. You can access VAEDA here.
VAIRRS is reorganizing its approach to webinars to provide more effective valuable information to the field. Tune in to VAIRRS Newsletters, Program Updates, and the Learning Calendar on the VAIRRS SharePoint to see when our next webinar will be scheduled.
Reminder: All committee administrators should be included in the VAIRRS administrators distribution group. Email VAIRRS@va.gov to let us know if anyone at your site should be added to the distribution group. |
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VAIRRS Support Team