- Financial Conflict of Interest (COI) Module Deployment
- VAIRRS Standard Library Updates
- National Researcher Dashboard
- VAIRRS Multi-Site and Expired Studies Data Validation
VAIRRS Wizard Completion Campaign |
We're almost there! We are nearing the 75% milestone for Project Cover Sheet (PCS) completion. Please continue to work with investigators at your site to ensure wizards are completed for all new staff submissions and all active projects that have transitioned to IRBNet. Wizards should also be updated whenever there are changes in staffing to remain consistent with study personnel as well as when any changes occur regarding the study's activities. |
As of October 6, 2022, there are 19,380 active projects in the system, with 14,321 completed Project Cover Sheets. With a PCS completion rate of 73.9%, we ask that you concentrate efforts at your facility to ensuring each project has a completed PCS. Completed Project Cover Sheets are the foundation of the VAIRRS database.
The optional Financial Conflict of Interest (fCOI) module will be available to all sites on October 17th. The fCOI module is provided as a convenience and use of the module is optional.
If your site chooses to use the module, a national webinar will be held on October 18th at 2:00 PM (EST) to provide step-by-step training. More information about the webinar can be found below. Click here to register for the webinar.
How Does it Work?
- The OGE Form 450 Alt VA has been integrated into IRBNet as a smart form
- Investigators and project team members can securely and directly submit COI disclosures to their local VA medical center (VAMC) COI administrator through the system
- VAMC COI administrators can securely and directly submit disclosures requiring OGC review to OGC via the system
- OGE Form 450s are electronically signed within the system
- OGC decisions and local COI administrator decisions are automatically available within IRBNet
VAIRRS Standard Library Updates
The most recent Change Control Board (CCB)-approved change to the VAIRRS Standard Library include:
7.16 A IRB Amendment Form – Updates to Section VII – Additional Reviews
Stay tuned for more information about updates to the Project Cover Sheet and IRB Information Sheet wizards in next month's VAIRRS newsletter!
VAIRRS is in the process of validating data for both Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) multi-site projects and expired projects across all VA research programs. In doing so, we are requesting that each research program review the multi-site and expired studies at their facility. This week, VAIRRS will be sending out a detailed email providing an explanation of how facilities can validate and reconcile both multi-site projects and expired projects within their research program. We ask that facilities plan to complete the validation by Monday, November 14, 2022, and to please notify VAIRRS (by emailing VAIRRS@va.gov) once validation is complete.
The VAIRRS Change Control Board (CCB) was established to oversee updates and changes to the standard ORPP&E library of forms, letters and wizards. The CCB relies on the end-user (yes, you!) to identify any issues or inconsistencies with the published documents. To date, the CCB has reviewed more than 100 requests. You can submit your suggestion on the VAIRRS CCB page located on the VAIRRS SharePoint.
Introducing the COVID-19 Research Dashboard
ORD has developed a dashboard of COVID-19 research activities occurring across VA, as reported in VAIRRS. This dashboard provides a comprehensive picture, but we rely on the VA research community to accurately report their projects in VAIRRS. The purpose of this resource is to provide field investigators and other research staff with a supplemental tool for reviewing current COVID-19 research activities at VA that may align with their work and inform future activities. You can access this dashboard on the VA network here. ORD also provides a limited version of this dashboard for non-VA audiences on www.research.va.gov, available here. For any questions please email ORDCOVID19@va.gov.
National Researcher Dashboard
We are pleased to announce the newest addition to the dashboard portfolio. The National Researcher Dashboard will be published in October 2022 for all VA researchers. As a researcher, you will have the necessary tools to search the national IRBNet dataset for active research projects. The National Researcher Dashboard is located here.
Reminder: if you have not already requested access to your facility's dashboard, you can request access here. Please submit all feedback to VAIRRSDashboards@va.gov.
VAIRRS Monthly Webinar
Topic: COI Module for Investigators and Committee Members
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Lead Presenter: Angela Foster, ORPP&E Program Manager
Purpose: VAIRRS recently launched a Conflict of Interest (COI) module. Join this webinar to learn more about the COI module and how it will be utilized by investigators and committee members within IRBNet.
Webinar Registration: Click here to register
The VA Electronic Determination Aid (VAEDA) is now live! As a new, innovative system created by the VA Office of Research & Development (ORD), VAEDA provides researchers with services for expedited, standardized determinations and streamlined processes within VA research. Learn more about VAEDA here!
VAEDA is accessible to all VA employees using your VA-issued credentials. Click here to access the VAEDA tool.
Reminder: All committee administrators should be included in the VAIRRS Administrators distribution group. Email VAIRRS@va.gov to let us know if anyone at your site should be added to the distribution group. |
- November VAIRRS Ambassador
- November VAIRRS Webinar
Thank you,
VAIRRS Program Team