This Week at VA North Texas

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June 27, 2022

Charlie Mike VA Podcast:

Charlie Mike Logo

Did you know that about 8 million people in the United States have PTSD?

But what is it?

During PTSD Awareness Month and throughout the year, VA North Texas is raising awareness about the many different PTSD treatment options available to our Veterans.

In this episode, we chat with Dr. Julia Evans and Dr. Alexis Arevalo from the VA North Texas Trauma Clinic. Learn about PTSD awareness, PTSD signs and symptoms, and where to find help if you need it.

Join the show and help us spread the word that effective PTSD treatments are available


Faces of Service:


The photos taken during the recent Faces of Service event held in Dallas and Fort Worth are available to view and download by visiting: VA North Texas Albums/ Flickr

Thank you to all the Veteran employees who participated!


All Employee Survey:


The AES survey is closing and will no longer be accessible on June 29, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EST. 

We encourage everyone to view this short and informative: "AES Your Voice Matters" Marketing Video."

You can complete the AES by scanning the QR code in the image above or by visiting until June 28, 2022.

Please note that you will need a seven-digit code to access the AES.

If you haven’t received your seven-digit code, please contact our lead AES coordinator, Mr. Victor Roddy: or our alternate AES coordinator, Mr. Chris Merrell:

You can also view your 2022 AES workgroup and VANTHCS responses in real-time.


VISN 17 VERA Q3 training:


The VISN 17 VERA Coordinators will presenting the three trainings in our education series the week of June 28th.

  • VERA 100 – Transitioning to VA Health Care & VERA Basic
    • 6/28 (TUE), 10a-11a(MST) / 11a-12p(CST) and 1p-2p(MST) / 2p-3p(CST)
  • VERA 101 – VERA Business Model & VHA VISN Level Funding
    • 6/29 (WED), 10a-11a(MST) / 11a-12p(CST) and 1p-2p(MST) / 2p-3p(CST)
  • VERA 201 – Medical Center Allocation System
    • 6/30 (THU), 10a-11a(MST) / 11a-12p(CST) and 1p-2p(MST) / 2p-3p(CST)

These trainings will help staff understand our two unique allocation processes, VERA and MCAS, the correct context for looking at funding in the VHA, and how the work being done at the health care systems within each VISN impact the processes.

Visit the V17 VERA Education Series SharePoint page to see a list of courses, dates, times, and MS Teams meeting links. V17 VERA Education Series.

If you have any questions about these trainings or other VERA-related inquiries, please contact our team at


Outstanding Women Program:

On August 18, 2022, the Federally Employed Women - Dallas Chapter will host its annual “Outstanding Women Program" at VA North Texas.

This program formally recognizes what we already realize; that numerous “outstanding women” are among us every day.

Submit the name of women employees at VA North Texas, who have demonstrated the qualities of career development, community service, and leadership.

Completed nomination forms must be emailed by July 15, 2022 to Wanda Lee or Sheryl Hampel.


Suicide Prevention:

crisis line

Suicide Prevention is the VA’s top clinical priority.

Remind your Veterans that they are not alone — the Veterans Crisis Line is here for them 24/7. They don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to call.

Connect with our suicide prevention team


HRO "Good Catch" recognition:


VA North Texas' HRO team encourages staff to submit "Good Catch" stories recognizing fellow employees.

Each story should highlight a "Good catch" made during an HRO Journey.

Please submit your questions to


Own the Moment (OTM) training:


Employees that have not attended the OTM Face to Face Workshop (TMS Course #4203124) or completed the Virtual OTM Workshop (TMS Course #42980) must complete by September 30, 2022.

Own the Moment Refresher training (TMS Course #43391) is required for employees that completed the OTM Workshop Prior to FY20. The refresher course must be completed by September 30, 2022.

For additional information regarding this requirement, please contact or


COVID-19 vaccines and testing


The best defense against any new COVID-19 variants is still the COVID-19 vaccine.

VA North Texas Status: To date, we have had 1988 COVID-19 employee cases (1938 have recovered and returned to work).


Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and testing at VA North Texas


This Week at VA North Texas is published on Monday morning.

Content for inclusion in This Week at VA North Texas must be sent to, no later than the previous Friday at 9 a.m. to be included in the following week’s edition. 

All content submitted for inclusion on any official VA North Texas platform must have verbiage approved by the service chief, approved graphics/images created by Medical Media (if needed), include all relevant information including a POC name, email address, and phone extension, and is subject to the approval of the chief of communications & community engagement. 

Find this and other important information by visiting the VA North Texas Health Care System Intranet Home Page.


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Ari Carr is today's #FacesofVA. She served in the Air Force and Navy between 1998 and 2009. Carr served as a chaplain and says that was very rewarding. She uses the Fort Worth VA Clinic for her health care and is pleased with the attention she is provided. Carr says that all patients should use all the services provided to them.


Kesha Williams is today's #FacesofVA. She works in decedent affairs, where she helps families of deceased Veterans. Williams has worked at the Dallas VA Medical Center 7 years and says her job is a cross between being a social worker, an administrative assistant and a chaplain. Williams says her job can be emotional but also rewarding. She says it’s important to visit funeral homes and attending memorial services to make sure no Veteran is ever left alone.