Now Available! Moral Injury Psychoeducation Group Guide and Handbook

South Central MIRECC Clinical Education Products

New and Featured Clinical Education Products- September 2021

New Moral Injury Psychoeducation Group Facilitator Guide and Program Handbook

Bowl with a crack in it drawn by a Veteran



This four-week program is a time-limited psychoeducational “standalone” group that can be offered either virtually or in person to provide information about moral injury. The curriculum, which includes a facilitator guide and program handbook, provides information for chaplains and mental health clinicians on leading a Moral Injury Psychoeducation Group. The group may be led by chaplains, clinicians, church clergy specializing in pastoral care or mental health ministry with Veterans, or trained para-professionals such as NAMI volunteers or Veteran peer support specialists who have participated in the course.

  • The program is designed to introduce core concepts related to moral injury and prepare Veterans for more intensive therapy for moral injury, if desired and available.
  • The program handbook is used to conduct the sessions.
  • Sessions are nonthreatening and focus on education as opposed to group process or self-revelation.
  • The facilitator guide includes helpful hints, clinical examples, potential pitfalls, and ways to appropriately involve Veterans during group sessions.
  • Developed by Pat Pernicano, PsyD and Kerry Haynes, DMin, MDiv, BCC/MH
  • Published 2021


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The mission of the South Central MIRECC is to promote equity in engagement, access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care, especially rural Veterans. The South Central MIRECC strives to promote and celebrate a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion among our staff, across our sites, and in the work we do to improve mental health care for rural and other underserved Veterans. New and featured clinical education product updates are produced by the SC MIRECC Education Core. Email us at Visit us at


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