New and Featured Clinical Education Products- September 2021
New Guide to Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome from Alcohol for Clinicians and Veterans

These guides describe the symptoms of and treatment for post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) from alcohol for clinicians and Veterans.
- Each guide defines PAWS in language appropriate for clinician and Veteran audiences.
- The clinician guide describes the use of Gabapentin as a treatment for PAWS, including an example titration schedule, benefits and misuse of the medication, and how it is used in combination treatment.
- The clinician guide also discusses the prevalence of substance use disorders in minority populations and disparities in consequences for substance use.
- The Veteran guide describes Gabapentin as a treatment for PAWS and the side effects of the medication.
- Published 2021
About Us
The mission of the South Central MIRECC is to promote equity in engagement, access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care, especially rural Veterans. New and featured clinical education product updates are produced by the SC MIRECC Education Core. Email us at VISN16SCMIRECCEducation@va.gov. Visit us at https://www.mirecc.va.gov/VISN16/index.asp.