Resuscitation room constructed from foam display board 18'0"x19'0". Photo courtesy of LeAnn Schlamb.
By: LeAnn Schlamb, MSN, Ed.S, Associate Director for Education Research and Outreach, SimLEARN; Jane Robinson, MSN, RN, CEN, Hospital Activations and Outreach Nurse, SimLEARN; Gary Fischer AIA, Architect, Office of Construction and Facilities Management
Orlando, Fla. - Over the last eight years SimLEARN’s System/Hospital Activation collaborated with over 40 separate groups at ten different VA facilities using simulation to identify latent safety threats. Patient care improvement opportunities were discussed with facility staff prior to the opening of their new clinical spaces. We observed that waiting until simulation testing identified these threats and then mitigating them can result in significant cost or delay the opening of these vitally needed services. SimLEARN Outreach Network (SON) System/Hospital Activation team partnered with Office of Facilities Standards Service (FSS), Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) to use Simulation-based Hospital Design Testing (SbHDT) to test designs prior to the start of design and construction.
The “proof-of-concept” to conduct simulation-based testing on VA Design Standards occurred at a testing workshop June 21-24 at SimLEARN’s National Simulation Center, Orlando, FL. The spaces were constructed by SimLEARN staff using foam poster boards to reflect actual square footage. Using information from the design guides, commonly used equipment and supplies were placed in each room to create a realistic environment for the participants.
Read more here.
Orlando, Fla. - SimLEARN is proud to once again offer the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC). Offered once a month virtually and at multiple sites – please email for more information:
The purpose of Trauma Nurse Core Course is to teach Registered Nurses core level knowledge and psychomotor skills, which are defined as central or key elements of the multidimensional processes involved in the initial assessment and management of sick or injured patients. TNCC also provides a foundation for integrated communication and collaboration in identifying and treating the sick or injured. The intent of TNCC is to help the nurse develop a rapid and accurate approach when caring for the ill or injured patient. TNCC consists of lectures, hands-on psychomotor skill stations and interactive online learning. TNCC is based on the nursing process, which is emphasized through the components of the course.
By: Lygia Lee Arcaro, PhD, RN, National Director, Nursing Programs, SimLEARN
Orlando, Fla. - The VA HRO (High Reliability Organization) Pillars, Principles, and Values depicts the vision of “affirming the trust of Veterans and their families through the achievement of zero harm and an unmatched experience.” VA is on a continuous journey, incorporating the concepts of HRO into our culture. Using simulation to demonstrate the principles of HRO, the five principles are a preoccupation with failure, sensitivity to operations, reluctance to simplify, commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise. Through simulated clinical situations interprofessional staff practice teamwork and communication skills, as they anticipate the risks then simulate and test what could go wrong and use this information to strengthen best practices.
Facility simulation certification is part of the HRO journey. SimLEARN had developed a program structured to support simulation-based training at the local level and encourage facilities to access curricula and think about partnering opportunities. This approach is designed to support standardization by having criteria that involve the most current knowledge of the scenario(s) being simulated or developed, using up to date educational practices and evaluation strategies, equipment, competent staff, and the commitment to continually move simulation forward in VHA. Facility certification continues to grow providing continuity within our simulation sites across the enterprise. This process demonstrates “commitment to quality improvement, patient safety, and accountability to improving Veteran patient outcomes,” as mentioned in the introductory certification letter.
Read more here.
By: Jason Chandrapal, MD, Advanced Clinical Simulation Fellow, Durham, North Carolina |
Durham, N.C. - On Thursday, June 17th SimLEARN held a virtual graduation ceremony for the 2020-2021 Interprofessional Advanced Clinical Simulation Fellows. This was a very special year given the COVID-19 pandemic in which all the fellowship events and conferences were held virtually for the first time. This year there were a total of 7 fellows from 5 different VA sites. The cohort was a diverse mixture of healthcare professionals consisting of physicians, nurses, and dentists. Apart from working in simulation activities at their local institutions and individual fellowship projects, the simulation fellows attended bimonthly SimLEARN meetings, a weeklong virtual SimLEARN Conference, and gave a national presentation to the simulation community of practice. We are very proud of this class for their resiliency and professionalism and look forward to all the great things they will accomplish.
Read more about our graduates here.
Left to right: Maria Colandrea, NP, instructs Kutrice Riddle, LPN, on how to properly suction a standardized tracheostomy patient. Susy Babbykutti, RN, acting portrays the standardized patient wearing the simulated tracheostomy vest. Photo courtesy by Tiffany Ellis, NP.
By: Maria Colandrea, DNP, NP-C, CORLN, CCRN, FAANP, Nurse Practitioner, Durham VA Healthcare System Department of Otolaryngology
Durham, N.C. - Management of tracheostomy care is inconsistent among clinicians and across health care institutions. The inconsistency in tracheostomy care, as well as lack of standardization, can lead to complications that negatively impact the patient and hospital (Davis, et at., 2019; Cherney, et al., 2020). At the Durham VA Healthcare System, the Tracheostomy Committee is utilizing cutting edge wearable simulation technology as a modality to educate the nursing staff on improving tracheostomy skills and knowledge.
A simulated wearable tracheostomy vest has been an effective tool in providing nurses hands-on experience, and critical thinking scenarios allow them to roleplay situations that could be life-threatening to the patient if not quickly identified and managed. The goal of the tracheostomy simulation is for nurses to employ critical thinking skills and hands-on demonstration in the management of a potential airway obstruction and/or accidental decannulation.
Read more here.
Washington, DC - On a regular basis (weekly to monthly), VA librarians conduct literature searches on topics that are of concern to VHA. These topics range from clinical topics such as pain management and the opioid epidemic to administrative topics such as wait times and HRO/Just Culture. Be sure to note the weekly alert on simulation. Once the librarians have conducted the search, they filter it to ensure the citations are on target to the topic and to VHA staff. The results are then sent to your VA Outlook email. If the article is one that is part of VHA’s national core collection, there will be a link that takes you directly to the article. If not, you are encouraged to request the article via interlibrary loan from your local librarian.
Read more about utilizing this VA resource here.
Please note this service is available to VA emails only.