Top Line
Across VA’s Rocky Mountain Network our team continues to deliver improved health care to our Veterans.
- We expanded our COVID-19 vaccination efforts in parallel with the SAVE LIVES Act, and are now offering vaccines at 48 locations throughout the region. Check out our "By the Numbers" feature below to see the locations and where we've administered 134,855 vaccinations as of July 1st.
- We have continued our discussions with national program offices to build our capacity in telehealth modalities, to include tele-oncology, tele-ICU, and tele-nephrology, to name a few.
- VISN 19 led the way within VA, becoming the first network to protect patient privacy while ensuring anyone who received a COVID-19 vaccine at a VA facility was eligible for their state’s “vaccine lottery” (Colorado Comeback Cash here in the Centennial State).
- We are excited to launch our Clinical Contact Center at the end of September to provide our Veterans with easier access to virtual services (see "What’s Next?" for more information).
I want to thank those of you who participated in the Market Assessment / Listening Sessions in May. Your critical input will help VA shape the future of Veteran health care in our network and across the country.
This issue of QUARTERLY REMINDER is packed with information across our region, to include a clinician in Salt Lake City winning a national research award and a telehealth team in Cheyenne exponentially increasing their patient visits since the onset of COVID.
As our country celebrates Independence Day this weekend, I hope you will be able to spend the holiday with family and friends.
Ralph T. Gigliotti, FACHE
Need to Know
Key happenings across VISN 19
Video: Dr. Samore receives VA Under Secretary Award
Dr. Samore, Director, IDEAS Center, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, received his award in May
Cheyenne Telehealth Team Receives National Recognition
VA telehealth providers went from about 41,000 virtual visits each month to more than 45,000 virtual visits each day.
The Art of Medicine - Opioid Dependence Video
VA providers share powerful stories about treating substance use disorders and seeing Veterans recover.
Montana: Entire Congressional Delegation Celebrates 10,000 Veteran COVID-19 Vaccinations; Governor Encourages More Vaccines
The entirety of Montana’s congressional delegation and their governor celebrated and encouraged Montana Veterans about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
By the Numbers
What's Next?
July 2021:
Ernest Childers VA Outpatient Clinic opens for services on July 19, 2021 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Eastern Oklahoma VA Health Care System will host a Grand Opening event in September.
September 2021
VISN 19’s Clinical Contact Center (CCC), part of VA Health Connect, will offer Veterans easier access to trusted VA staff who can provide them with integrated, coordinated care in four core services: (1) scheduling and administration, (2) clinical triage, (3) virtual clinic visits, and (4) pharmacy support. For more information, please contact: VHAVISN19ClinicalContactCenter@va.gov.
All dates subject to change; please contact the facility responsible for the event if you have any questions.
Keep updated & let us know how we're doing.
If you have any questions about activities at one our network facilities, please contact the facility. If you have questions about the content in Quarterly ReMiNder, please contact: Jason Strickland, VISN 19 Chief Communications Officer
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