Now Available! Wellness While Waiting Self-Help Guide for Veterans Listed for Transplant

South Central MIRECC Clinical Education Products

New and Featured Clinical Education Products-  February 2020

New Self-Help Wellness Guide for Veterans Listed for Transplant Now Available

Screenshots from the wellness while waiting guide


Wellness While Waiting: A Self-Help Guide for Veterans Listed for Transplant

The Wellness While Waiting patient education materials were designed to promote physical and emotional wellness for Veterans awaiting organ transplant and their caregivers.

The Wellness While Waiting Guide covers several topics including common emotional responses to the wait for transplant, skills to increase emotional wellness, and strategies to continue engagement in health-affirming behaviors.

The 5 supplemental handouts cover additional mental health topics (depression, anxiety, cognitive compensatory skills, relapse prevention for tobacco use, and relapse prevention for alcohol or other drug use). All materials also assist with care navigation within the VA by directing Veterans and their caregivers to appropriate resources.

Recommendations for Use: These materials were designed to be both broadly applicable and individualized, through the use of a “core packet” and a series of supplemental handouts. Transplant Providers can give the “core packet” to all Veterans listed at their facilities, even those Veterans who are fairly low-risk for post-transplant complications or who have not been given specific psychosocial recommendations. Veterans who have been given specific mental or behavioral health goals can be given any combination of the 5 supplemental handouts, in addition to the “core packet”.

The Core Packet consists of:

  • The Wellness While Waiting Guide
  • Visit agenda cards to facilitate Veteran-Provider communication
  • A Caregiver Wellness handout to emphasize good caregiver self-care and offer further resources for caregiver support


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The mission of the South Central MIRECC is to promote equity in engagement, access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care, especially rural Veterans. New and featured clinical education product updates are produced by the SC MIRECC Education Core. Email us at Visit us at


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