Fall newsletter | Updates on our research, resources, accomplishments, and more!

South Central MIRECC Communique Newsletter

SC MIRECC Communique Newsletter-  Fall 2019, Volume 21, Issue 4

Collage of images from the Fall 2019 newsletter

In This Issue

Meet the New Fellows

We welcome two new Fellows, Drs. Darius B. Dawson and Rajinder (Sonia) Singh, to our Advanced Fellowship Program in Mental Illness Research and Treatment. They will spend the next two years developing research skills and receiving advanced clinical training at our anchor sites in Houston, Texas  and Little Rock, Arkansas.

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Research to Practice: Wearable Sensors for Assessing Frailty in Homebound Older Adults

Researchers at South Central MIRECC, VA and Baylor College of Medicine published results of a observational cohort study examining if wearable technology can provide a means of assessing prefrailty in older adults, via daily monitoring at home. This summary highlights the key findings of their study published in a 2018 Sensors open access article.

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Fall Stakeholder Forum

We held a SC MIRECC Stakeholder Forum on October 17 to present our work to group members and solicit feedback on areas for growth, suggestions for partnerships, and better dissemination of our work.

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Highlights from Our Anchor Sites

Affiliates from Houston, Little Rock, and New Orleans have been busy promoting mental health education, research, and treatment. Here, we highlight some of their accomplishments over the last three months.

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New and Updated Clinical Education Products are Resources for CBT, Relaxation, Problem Gambling, and Veteran Wellness

Our Clinical Educator Grant program helps VISN 16 and 17 mental health providers create and share resources that positively impact treatment for rural and other Veterans who face barriers to care. We distribute these products to Veterans, VA providers, and the public for free. Download our new and updated items!

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Recent Publications

Check out 10 recent publications from our affiliates on topics such as PTSD, psychotherapy service use, telemental health, implementation science, collaborative care, and much more.

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Pilot Study Grant Opportunity for VISN 16 and San Antonio Researchers

Pilot studies are a foundation for supporting large-scale, federally funded research. Our Pilot Study Research Program is a great opportunity for investigators who are interested in pilot funding for studies that aim to improve Veterans’ access to high quality mental health and substance use treatment services. Researchers in VISN 16 and those located in San Antonio, Texas (VISN 17) are invited to apply for a pilot study grant. The next deadline to submit a proposal is January 2, 2020.

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Research Methods and Analysis Consultation Services Available for VISN 16 and San Antonio Investigators

MIRECC Implementation, Design and Analysis Support (MIDAS) offers centralized design, methodologic and analytic support to VISN 16 investigators and investigators located in San Antonio, Texas (VISN 17) who are seeking intramural or extramural funding or conducting pilot projects.

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About Us

The mission of the South Central MIRECC is to promote equity in engagement, access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care, especially rural Veterans. The Communiqué is published quarterly by the SC MIRECC Education Core. Contact us at VISN16SCMIRECCEducation@va.gov.

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