New Product | Pocket Guide for Management of PTSD in Veterans with mild TBI
Veterans Health Administration sent this bulletin at 03/04/2019 03:42 PM EST
New and Featured Clinical Education Products- March 2019
Management of PTSD in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
This pocket guide is a clinical decision-making tool that helps VA clinicians with pharmacological management of PTSD in Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Includes:
Detailed table describing the PTSD Traumatic event exposure, Re-experiencing, Arousal, Unable to function, Month, Avoidance, and negative thoughts or feelings (TRAUMA) mnemonic.
Description of the symptoms of mTBI and treatment of PTSD.
Medication table that explains dosing and clinical considerations for comorbid PTSD/mTBI pharmacotherapy.
mission of the South Central MIRECC is to promote equity in engagement,
access, and quality of mental health care for Veterans facing barriers to care,
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