Greetings State Approving Agencies/School Certifying Officials,
We continue to make every effort to make you aware of updates and status of provisions of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, signed January 5, 2021.
The law has a transformative effect on the mission of Education Service to provide ready access to, and timely and accurate delivery of, education benefits to Veterans, Service members, and their families, and further enables VA to empower GI Bill beneficiaries to achieve their educational and vocational career goals. The purpose of this communication is to make you aware of upcoming changes for approval requirements to maintain GI Bill participation.
Public Law 116-315 - Section 1018: Requirements for educational institutions participating in the educational assistance programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Section 1018 is effective June 15, 2021, and will apply to Institutions of Higher Learning and Non-College Degree institutions beginning August 1, 2021.
The provision mandates adherence to the requirements of the Principles of Excellence, currently in Executive Order 13607, among other requisites to maintain approval for GI Bill® participation and obligates schools that receive federal funding through programs such as the GI Bill to follow certain guidelines.
Section 1018 codifies in statute the following requirements:
Provide students with a timely personalized Financial Aid Shopping Sheet covering the total cost of an education program.
Inform students who are eligible to receive Veterans education benefits of the availability and potential eligibility of Federal financial aid before packaging or arranging private student loans or alternative financing programs.
Avoid fraudulent and unduly aggressive recruiting or automatic renewal techniques (covered individuals must approve their enrollment in individual courses).
Avoid misrepresentations or payment of incentive compensation.
Must fully disclose conditions or additional requirements, including training, experience, or examinations, required to obtain the license, certification, or approval for which the course of education is designed to provide preparation.
Provide to a covered individual enrolled in a course of education at the educational institution with information regarding the requirements to graduate from such course, including information regarding when required classes will be offered and a timeline to graduate.
Obtain the approval of the institution's accrediting agency for new courses or program offerings prior to enrolling students.
Maintain a policy to accommodate Service members and reservists to be readmitted to a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or suspend their studies due to service requirements.
Designate a point of contact to provide academic and financial advising.
As VA continues to review, interpret, and implement all provisions of Public Law 116-315, it is advisable that education institutions begin to review internal policies to ensure compliance with Section 1018 by June 15, 2021. Training is being developed and will be provided by June.
We are committed to regular updates through briefings, direct mail campaigns, social media and/or training as we move towards implementing each of these provisions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Education Call Center at: 1-888-442-4551 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday OR your State Approving Agency (SAA) regarding your program approval.
Thank you for being a valued partner in support of the GI Bill program.
Education Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Benefits Administration
1-888-442-4551, TDD: 711
If you know a Veteran who is in crisis, call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. |