News Update
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent this bulletin at 09/13/2022 04:00 PM EDT
VA News
09/13/2022 02:00 PM EDT
Before recovery, Veteran surrounded himself with people who enabled his opioid addiction. “If you hang out in a barbershop, you are going to get a haircut.”
09/13/2022 11:30 AM EDT
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Edward David Shames, who served as a paratrooper during World War II and was a member of the famed Easy Company.
09/13/2022 09:50 AM EDT
September is Suicide Prevention Month. A new PSA encourages women Veterans to reach out for help when needed and to help find the right VA resources.
09/13/2022 09:00 AM EDT
During Sickle Cell Awareness Month in September, the American Red Cross emphasizes the importance of a diverse blood supply to help meet the needs of those with sickle cell disease – the most common inherited blood disorder in the U.S.
09/13/2022 08:00 AM EDT
Secretary McDonough will be on official travel in Iowa where he will meet with VA Staff, Local Union leaders, and Congressional Delegations.
09/12/2022 06:00 PM EDT
Vet the Vote is is seeking to recruit 100,000 Veterans and military family members to be poll workers in the 2022 midterms and other future elections.
09/12/2022 04:00 PM EDT
Connecting mind and body is important for your overall whole health. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act and this is often called the “mind-body connection.”